Incells and the emergence of a possible misogynist terrorism

Incel violence involves great danger

For a few years, both the media and the ACademic and securitarian world have echoed a new and growing threat to society: Incel extremism.The essence of this ideology is a dire misogyny cocktail, frustration and obsession with physical attrACtiveness, the result of repeated failure to establish social and loving relationships with women.Although misogyny and sexual frustration are not unknown phenomena, the new media and online spACes have promoted the appearance of new expressions of misogyny, such as the very emergency of Incels.

Incel ideology is an excellent example of the new radical narratives that challenge traditional images of extremism and terrorism.Although its ACtivity, of global reACh, develops almost exclusively online, mass murders related to INCELS have caused74 deaths since the first massACre officially linked to the Incel extremism intwenty14.The increase in the lethality of their ACtions and the apparently mimicry of the modus operandi of other violent extremisms have put the debate on the table on whether including violence should be classified as ACts of terrorism.

AproximACión a la comunidad InCel

Involuntary or most commonly known cells (for their abbreviation in English: "Involuntary Celibates") are a mostly online community of heterosexual men of scarce or no ability to establish successful sexual relationships with women with women. Para los autodenominados InCels, la suposición de un determinismo biológico, las preferencias de las mujeres y las injustas estructuras sociales imperantes1 se han consolidado como su leitmotiv de su frACaso sentimental y el pilar fundamental de su narrativa radical.

The first time the INCEL concept appeared publicly under this name coincides with the advance and democratization of Internet ACcess.In 1997 a Canadian student created an online forum nicknamed "involuntary celibACy project". Al comienzo, éste pretendía ser un “un lugar amigable”2 y de apoyo mutuo que reunía a aquellas personas, qué sin importar el género, estuvieran solas, nunca hubieran tenido relACiones sexuales o no hubieran tenido una relACión en mucho tiempo3.

It was simply a spACe in which to share their frustrations and difficulties in developing social and/or loving relationships.However, over time the Forum became a more twisted spACe and was overshadowed by an endemic misogyny, violent sexual iconography, resentment and sexual frustration.Sympathizers and supporters of male supremACy, resuming of those who ACademics called as the purif ("Manosphere"), appropriated the concept, providing it with a radical and violent bACkground. La comisión del primer ataque perpetrado por un autoproclamado InCel (Elliot Rodger), la MasACre de Isla Vista detwenty144, reveló la perversidad de la ideología InCel violenta, y en los años subsiguientes, desencadenó perversidad de la ideología InCel violenta, y en los años subsiguientes, desencadenó una serie de ataques en consonancia por otros simpatizantes InCels.

En la ACademia se refieren a la Manosfera como un subproducto intransigente y radical proveniente del Movimiento de LiberACión de los Hombres de la década de 1970, de vigorosa oposición al auge de la segunda ola del feminismo5. A pesar de la pluralidad ideológica de estos grupos, entre los que se encuentran Activistas por los Derechos de los Hombres (“Men’s Rights Activists” o MRA), los Artistas del Ligue (“Pick Up Artists” o PUA), Hombres que Siguen su Propio Camino (“Men Going Their Own Way” o MGTOW) y los Célibes Involuntarios (InCels), su común denominador es la discordia con el feminismo, la hostilidad hACia la mujer y la filosofía de la Pastilla Roja (“Red Pill”)6.

De la píldora roja a la píldora negra

The doctrine of the Red Pill is inspired by the well -known scene of the Science Fiction film: ‘The Matrix’ (1999).In Incel jargon, ingesting the red pill equals a awakening that presupposes the revelation of the world reality. En concreto, hACe referencia a la toma de consciencia tanto de la naturaleza frívola de las mujeres como del yugo feminista, que desde su punto de vista “les ha robado el derecho a una esposa y al sexo”7.Así pues, están convencidos de que las verdaderas víctimas de la opresión y la discriminACión de género son, en realidad, los hombres8. Por lo tanto, el ACto simbólico de tomar la Píldora Roja es, en última instancia, la apropiACión de un nuevo conjunto creencias antitéticas que puede convertirse en el desencadenante de un proceso de radicalizACión9.

But beyond the red pill and the blue pill, which represents the ignorance or unconsciousness of this supposed reality, the inces have popularized a third and more extreme: the blACk pill, a cruel epiphany about the inalterability of reality.In a nutshell, put an end to any aspiration to escape his status as involuntary cells, which by default condemns the ultimate stratum of the social hierarchy.As a consequence, they believe that any attempt at improvement is futile and that it is only possible to break the immutability of this social stratification through changes at the social level. No obstante, en la práctica no hay constancia de un ACtivismo pACífico offline para promover cambios sociales10.

Construcción de una narrativa extremista

BroADLy speaking, the Incel community can be divided into three main groups: those that are simply literally limited to the meaning of involuntary cells, those who believe in the pills theory, and adopt the radical perspective of the red pill, andThose who also take the blACk pill.

While the narrative of the red pill shows the classic charACteristics of a vision of the radical world, a combination of grievance, victimization, guilt and a polarized perception between the endogroup (us) and the exogroup (they).The blACk pill, in general, adds more radical indicators that are identified as attributes of violent extremism such as glorification and incitement to violence, violent and hostile rhetoric (hate discourse) and real ACts of violence.

Thus, the INCEL community must be considered as a spectrum, since they do not form a uniform social and political body.Sylvia Jaki et al.evidenced the heterogeneity of both profiles (nationality, age, economic situation, educational level etc..)eleven, como de convicciones ideológicas.Consequently, it is a spACe where more or less radical, hostile and violent opinions come.

Jerarquía Rígida

In the imaginary ince, society is structured in a heteropatriarcal (non -pyramid) hierarchy of three levels (image 1).The substantial aspects of the subsequent categorization are based on corroborated prejudices and stereotypes with subjective reinterpretations of disciplines such as biological determinism and evolutionary psychology.The sonsACted conclusions of their own investigations, on many occasions they fall into a confirmation bias because they usually support their convictions and strengthen their feeling of grievance and victimization.The quid of his hierarchy shows his obsession with the physicist who intertwines with rACism and class.Thus, the breed and economic status are additional qualities that total or subtrACt value in the sexual market and, therefore, it has an impACt on the respective categorization.

In the upper part of the hierarchy are the "chads" or "alphas", a minority of cisgeneros, charismatic, rich and sexually successful men among women among women. Ellos representan una idealizACión de la virilidad propia de lo que en los estudios de género se conoce como masculinidad hegemónica13.Due to their privileged position, Alphas have ACcess to most women, creating sexual inequality.Part of the radical inels corroborate this impression with a socio-carwinist adaptation of the80/20 rule (Pareto principle) in combination to the supposed natural tendency of women to the prACtice of hypergamy. Por lo que creen, como se ilustra en la imagen 2, que los Chads suman tan sólo eltwenty% de la poblACión y que el80% de las mujeres están interesadas exclusivamente en estos hombres de estatus igual o superior al suyo14.

Although, the Chads are considered by Caucasic default, within this category, rACial subcategories are established with their respective terminology, for example "changs" for those of Asian origin, "Gastón" for the French and "Chadriguez" forLatin American.Ethnic variations also establish nuances that are ACcepted with rACist clichés, as an example, the “Tyrone” label, which refers to a dark skin claw, is associated with stereotypes on African -American people who date bACk to the colonial era, such as it isHypersexuality. De hecho, los InCels usan el ACrónimo “JBW” (“Just Be White” – “Simplemente Se Blanco”) para enfatizar la ventaja de los hombres blancos frente a otras etnias en su respectivo éxito sexual16. No obstante, se ha comprobado que el discurso violento rACista es más bien puntual17.The female counterpart of a Chad is called StACy that responds to traditional beauty canons: blonde, caucasics, attrACtive, etc..

In the next category below is the majority of the male population, the "normies" or "betas", ordinary people with a standard social and sexual life.The equivalent for women is "Becky".Finally, in the last social stratum are the Incels or "Omegas".Among the Incels a subdivision is also established in terms of ethnicity, for example, "Rice-Cel" refers to an inceal of Southeast Asia or "Currycel" to natives of India.Unlike the rest of strata, this category, from its perspective, does not have its female counterpart due to its conviction that involuntary celibACy is impossible among women and that every woman, whatever their physical appearance can find a partner. Sin embargo, hay mujeres que se identifican como “Femcel”18.

VictimizACión y externalizACión de la culpa

Its own identification as a minority and the lowest point of the social hierarchy provides ideal reasoning for the construction of a narrative that emphasizes its position as victims, from which bridges can be easily established for the guilt and consequent definition of the target of His hatred.

InCels y la emergencia de un posible terrorismo misógino

In this way, they establish a psychosocial distinction of reality in dichotomous terms, between victims and guilty, between the endogroup (Incels) and the exogroup (Chads, Normies, StACys and Beckys).This antagonism favors the creation of its own identity, which is constructed artificially based on the alterization of the "others" - is the "we" and the "they".

En la misma línea, este binarismo entre endogrupo y exogrupo, en conjunción al sufrimiento percibido, proporciona al subespACio InCel más extremista una legitimACión sólida para la violencia contra sus objetivos externos19.In this polarized scenario, the inels extremely portray the exogroup, especially women, who, together with feminism, point out as guilty of their situation and deserving of their hatred. Pero a diferencia de otros grupos e ideologías radicales que construyen su identidad grupal en términos positivos, los InCels tienen por defecto una imagen de sí mismos degradante y humillante20, además de “un sentido de inferioridad compartido”21.

Retórica, incitACión y glorificACión a la violencia

The dehumanization of women is frequent in discussions, often qualified as "foid" or "femoid" (name composed between female - woman and humanoid - human) or "roasties".Women are described as intellectually lower people who are guided exclusively by the most basic instincts and emotions. En conjunto, la propia figura de la mujer está cosificada sexualmente y es reducida “a su apariencia física, sexualidad o partes individuales del cuerpo”22.

Esta desnaturalizACión de la mujer les permite rACionalizar y justificar su misoginia y a su vez, legitimar “el derecho de los hombres a oprimirlas”23.Dehumanization and reification have a disinhibitor effect by denying humanity.It is, therefore, the perfect combination for the cancellation of empathy.

His self -identification as true victims translates into requests and yearnings to subvert this perceived situation of unfair.Therefore, some evoke or express a certain nostalgia towards an anterior patriarchal society, where the male gender guaranteed them a more privileged position. Pues, muchos creen tener un derecho natural al sexo, e incluso a la mujer, el cual se les está vulnerando24.

This feeling of inJustice has a fundamental role, because as r.Kalish and m. Kimmel subrayaron, “el derecho agraviado es una emoción de género, una fusión de esa humillante pérdida de hombría y la obligACión moral y el derecho a recuperarla”25.Therefore, some ask for the abolition of women's rights and freedoms as the right to vote, the free choice of the couple (s) or the recovery of monogamy by general rule.

En su extremo, algunos InCels radicales rebasan los límites ético-morales, reclamando una especie de realidad distópica a través de amenazas y fantasías: la instaurACión de la pena capital para las mujeres por adulterio, el subsidio de la prostitución, el confinamiento físico de la mujer26, la esclavitud sexual27, legalizACión de la violACión o la instaurACión de lo que llaman como Marxismo Sexual (la redistribución del sexo)28.

However, there is a significant frACtion of users who ACtively oppose these opinions and reject violence and that, above all, oppose the most extreme expression of this hatred: the massACres commission.Some even agree that the problem of the increasingly radical environment of Incelldom and the bad reputation of involuntary celibates is the diffusion of the ideology of the blACk pill mACabra.

Con frecuencia, de sus publicACiones, es complicado diferenciar aquellos mensajes que son expresiones de puro desahogo de rabia, enfado y frustrACión, aquellas publicACiones resultado de lo conocido como “trolling” o “shitposting” –ACto de publicar contenido absurdo, surrealista, agresivo e irónico (de baja calidad) online, en ocasiones, con el fin de provocar una reACción29 – de aquellas que son una verdadera amenaza30.

This almost hermetic environment can function as an echo cameras that can reinforce hatred and extreme opinions, especially about women.Therefore, sometimes, users share offensive and/or aggressive comments that inflate a exACerbated maelstrom of replicas and increasingly extreme and far -fetched answers.

Si bien el shitposting puede constituir una especie de amenaza directa falsa, también puede “contribuir a la radicalizACión y, en última instancia, a la movilizACión”31. Pero aun, sin importar la intención original de dichas publicACiones, semejante contenido puede ser considerado como discurso peligroso, lo que aumenta a sabiendas la probabilidad de una respuesta adversa contra las personas32.

Para algunos expertos como JACob Ware, investigador asociado para la lucha contra el terrorismo en el Consejo de RelACiones Exteriores33, este tipo de incitACiones deberían ser incluidas en la categoría terrorismo estocástico - “el uso de comunicACiones masivas para incitar a los lobos solitarios al azar a llevar a cabo ACtos violentos o terroristas que son estadísticamente predecibles, pero individualmente impredecibles”34.Although, the incitement to violence and emulation of previous violent ACts is clearer in the manifestos of Elliot Rodger, Alek Minassian and Christopher Harper-Mercer.As illustrates the following appointment of the C manifesto.Harper-Mercer: “(…) My advice for others like me is to buy a gun and Start killing people.(…) For the Vestor Flanagans, Elliot Rodgers, Seung Cho, Adam Lanzas del Mundo, I do this.For all those who never took me seriously this is for you.(...) I am the martyr for all who are like me.”35.

Finally, the violent charACter of his ideology is reinforced by the celebration and memory of the massACres linked to the Incel community or whose author shared some attributes of the ince.. Tal componente es también ostensible en otros grupos extremistas e incluso terroristas como los yihadistas o, en menor medida, los de extrema derecha36.The most radical aspects of Incel ideology have been involved in a canonization process of those responsible for such crimes.The most radical incels usually refer to them as heroes (or "hero" - in honor of Elliot Rodger), icons, saints or patterns.

En su “panteón virtual de héroes InCels”37 se añaden, además, a criminales de los que no existe total certeza de su identificACión como InCel.Even so, because of nature, similarity (choosing women such as their victims, sexual frustration, isolation, etc..) y crueldad de sus ACtos, estos fueron apropiados y considerados referentes, como por ejemplo Marc Lépine38, autor de la MasACre de la Escuela Politécnica de Mont-real (Canadá) en 1989, Stephen Paddock39, autor del Tiroteo de Las Vegas detwenty17 oconocidos perpetradores de tiroteos en centros educativos como Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, responsables de la MasACre de la Escuela Secundaria de Columbine (EUA)40.

En esta mistificACión Elliot Rodger ocupa una posición especial, ya que proporciona el primer modelo a seguir para los InCels radicalmente misóginos y su Manifiesto: “Mi mundo retorcido: la Historia de Elliot Rodger” ha sido considerado, por algunos, como la carta fundACional del movimiento InCel más radical41.In fACt, they have coined and popularized the expression "go to ER" or "be a hero", as a tribute and memory of and.Rodger, to encourage others to imitate their ACtions.

¿Violencia o terrorismo InCel?

The massACres of Elliot Rodger and Alek Minassian and their respective manifestos aroused the first debates about the categorization of violence linked to uncertain ideology as terrorism. Para algunos expertos, la ideología InCel es considerada una forma de extremismo violento42 y su violencia, una forma de leaderless resistance (resistencia sin líderes), de terrorismo estocástico43 o de terrorismo doméstico con una posible propensión más allá de las fronteras nACionales44.

Intwenty20, Royal Police mounted from Canada (RCMP) presented terrorism charges against the minor (not identified by the Criminal Justice Act) responsible for the white weapon attACk in an erotic massage hall in Toronto. Las autoridades canadienses concluyeron que el ACusado del crimen “se inspiró en el movimiento extremista violento motivado ideológicamente (IMVE) comúnmente conocido como INCEL”45. Tal decisión es de suma importancia porque fue “la primera vez que Canadá procesa un cargo relACionado con el terrorismo que no está relACionado con el extremismo islámico y, aparentemente, la primera vez en el mundo que un país presenta cargos de terrorismo contra un adherente al movimiento InCel”46.

As evidenced in table (1), there is a continuity and a shy increase in the number of attACks sincetwenty14.However, violence linked to incels is little recount.It is notorious, however, to notice that it has common charACteristics with terrorism. Por ello, la investigACión pionera de Bruce Hoffman, JACob Ware y Ezra Shapiro concluyó que tales crímenes debían entenderse como “tendencia emergente de terrorismo con una dimensión más relevante de los delitos de odio”47.

The main problem with this dilemma lies in the indefinition of the concept of terrorism, but there seems to be some consensus about some of its fundamental aspects:

In ACcordance with these three fACtors, some violent ACtions attributed to inels as the case of the young minor (2020), previously mentioned.On the other hand, the case of Alek Minassian (2018), one of the most deADLy, was not prosecuted for terrorism.Well, despite the apparent link of A.Minassian with the uncertain ideology for the short publication on his FACebook profile (see appointment) during the attACk, the verdict concluded that A. Minassian más bien se aprovechó la ideología InCel para aumentar su fama y beneficiarse emocionalmente de la imagen de héroe que la comunidad InCel le otorgaría60.

“The soldier (recruit) of Minassian infantry 00010 wants to talk to Sergeant 4Chan, please.C23249161.The rebellion of the INCEL has already begun!We will overthrow all the Chads and StACys. ¡Saluden todos al supremo caballero Elliot Rodger!”61

Therefore, there was no apparent ideological, political or religious motivation behind crime, but since the verdict determined “it is almost impossible to know when Mr..Doe [a.Minassian] lies and when the truth tells. Determinar su motivACión exACta para este ataque también es casi imposible”62.Although sometimes it refers to. Minassian como terrorista63.

Along the same lines, the reason why the case of Sheldon Bentley (2018) was not treated for terrorism is even more evident.The motivations that led to S. Bentley a cometer tal crimen no pueden atribuirse únicamente a su celibato involuntario64, sino que fue un ACto más bien impulsivo.Finally, and perhaps the most paradigmatic is the case of Elliot Rodger (2014).The author of the Santa Barbara massACre has not been officially categorized as a terrorist, however, it is an illustrative case of misogynist terrorism ince.

No hay duda alguna de sus motivACiones: la idealizACión de un “mundo puro donde la sexualidad no existiera”65 bajo un mando autoritario que dista de los ideales de la democrACia liberal.In textual words of the author of the massACre “if I can't have it, I will do my best to destroy it.”66.It is even more substantial, hatred towards women for denying their right to have sexual relations and their intention to cause harm to sexually successful women and men. Asimismo, su intención de provocar terror e intimidar a la poblACión con el prometido “Día de la retribución”67 y la declarACión de la “Guerra contra las mujeres”68.

However, it would be a mistake to draw precipitated conclusions and erroneously describe the entire Inceldom spectrum.Obviously, that the majority of Inclus will commit such crimes, nor all incels, as pointed out, tolerate or celebrate the attACks.Establishing a direct relationship of Incells with violence, extremism or terrorism can lead to their stigmatization of a group that is far from homogeneous and could have a counterproductive effect.

The decision to qualify ince's violence as a matter of terrorism has certain implications, which have questioned the true effectiveness to fACe the incel phenomenon.Terrorism, in broad strokes, alters the way in which forces of order prevent, investigate and punish the attACks, as well as financing for such efforts.On the other hand, and in this specific case, you have to take into ACcount the specificity of the imaginary ince, such as the preponderance of psychological disorders or the difficulty in identifying with all the security who is part of the group and who does not.

Likewise, the Incl online ecosystem is mostly full of gallimatisms, irony and sinister fantasies ("shitposting") that make it difficult to decipher the true threat.This can translate into the identification of false alarms and the sterile destination of time, efforts and human and economic resources. Incluso, el trato de la misoginia y la frustrACión sexual como elementos exclusivamente distintivos para identificar la violencia InCel puede ensombrecer el alcance del supremACismo masculino presente en otros grupos, que alienta la subyugACión de la mujer, una retórica virulenta contra este colectivo y en ocasiones, instiga a la violencia69.

But beyond the possible solution of this dilemma, we must not trivialize neither the potential of its ideology, its ability to radicalize, nor the killings that some extremist incels have carried out.Therefore, it is reiterated, that represent a possible emerging threat that must be taken seriously. Así como se insistió en el Informe sobre amenazas de terrorismo doméstico de del departamento Seguridad Pública de Texas (2020), “la violencia demostrada por Incels en la última década, junto con la retórica extremadamente violenta online, sugiere que esta amenaza en particular pronto podría igualar, o potencialmente eclipsar, el nivel de letalidad demostrado por otros tipos de terrorismo doméstico”70.

By way of conclusion, the danger of the uncertain ideology is ambiguous but as evidenced there is.And while terrorism linked to this movement is rare, it is indisputable that this online ecosystem is a radical environment, whose users show clear fACtors of vulnerability that makes them potentially susceptible to being radicalized.

In Europe, violence linked to Incels is already a fACt, although unusual. En el caso concreto de España, el fenómeno InCel apenas esta estudiado, sin embargo, se ha demostrado la presencia, minoritaria, del discurso InCel en conocidos fórums españoles como “Forocoches” y “Foroparalelo”71.Likewise, Specific Incels, Hearing and International Participation, host publications in Spanish, discussions about the political situation of Spain or users who directly confirm their Spanish nationality.

Laura Illa Vidal, Master in Radicalization Prevention and Collaborator of the Armed Conflict Area and SEC2Crime Terrorism Prevention


1 MoNshot, “Incels: A Guide to Symbols and Terminology”,twenty20, available at: https: //

2 Taylor, Jim, "The regrets of the woman who founded the uncertainty movement of" involuntary celibates ", linked to the death of several people in Canada and the USA.UU ".BBC News, 31.08.2018, available at: https: //

3 idem.

4 “Elliot Rodger: How Misogynist Killer Became 'Incl Hero'”, BBC News, 26.04.2018, available at: https: //

5 Labbaf, Farshad, “United By Rage, Self-Loathing, and Male SupremACy: The Rise of the Incel Community”, Gender, Colonization, and Violence.INVOKE VOL.5, pp.16-25,twenty20.

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7 HOFFMAN, Bruce, WARE, JACob y SHAPIRO, Ezra, “Assessing the Threat of Incel Violence”, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, p.9,twenty20.

8 TyE, Charlie, "Inside The Warped World of Incel Extremists".The conversation, 16.08.2021, Available at: https: //

9 GANESH, Barath, “What the Red Pill Means for Radicals”, Fair Observer,2018, available at: https: // www.Fair

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17 Jaki, Sylvia, from Smedt, Tom, Gwóźdź, Maja, Panchal, Rudresh, “Online Hatred of Women in the Incels.I forum linguistic analysis and automatic detection ”, op.cit., p.eleven.

18 Kuehl, Franziskk.Wiisglobal.Org/Incel-Communities-Borning-Ground-for-Radicalized-Violence/.

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20 Jaki, Sylvia, from Smedt, Tom, Gwóźdź, Maja, Panchal, Rudresh, “Online Hatred of Women in the Incels.I forum linguistic analysis and automatic detection ”, op.cit., p.3.

21 Labbaf, Farshad, "United By Rage, Self-Loathing, and Male SupremACy: The Rise of the Ince Community", Op.cit., p.22.

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26 Jaki, Sylvia, from Smedt, Tom, Gwóźdź, Maja, Panchal, Rudresh, “Online Hatred of Women in the Incels.I forum linguistic analysis and automatic detection ”, op.cit., p.13.

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