Stewardess demands a man return a mask that only first class passengers receive and threatens to expel him from the flight

The passenger of an airline traveling from Fort Lauderdale to Los Angeles, United States, denounced on social networks that he was almost expelled from the plane for wearing a mask that a person who was in first class had given him.

According to information from the Business Insider site, Tyler Weitzman, a 25-year-old developer, said that when he boarded the plane he heard a JetBlue first-class passenger ask a flight attendant if he could give him a replay kit, which contains ear plugs and an eye mask.

When Weitzman commented to the attendant that he hadn't slept much the night before and asked if he could have one of the kits, too, he told her that they only offer them to Mint passengers, as first class is known in the airline. airline.

Later, the man said, a Mint passenger who overheard his conversation with the flight attendant found him and gave him his eye mask.

Azafata exige a un hombre devolver un antifaz que solo reciben pasajeros de primera clase y amenaza con expulsarlo del vuelo

"That was the kindest thing a stranger had done for me this year," Weitzman told Insider. "I don't think I would have been so kind in his place," he added.

A short time later, the flight attendant approached Weitzman's seat and told him that he could not keep the mask and demanded that he return it.

Speaking to the media, the programmer commented that he and the flight attendant argued for more than six minutes and even offered to buy a replay kit, but they were not for sale.

The man recorded the incident and published it on the TikTok social network, which since June 12, 2021 has obtained more than 1 million visits.

"Sir, I need to take that mask, please," the flight attendant is heard saying in the video. "You didn't buy a seat at the Mint, so you can't use those products," he continued.

Finally, a supervisor boarded the plane to reiterate company policy to Weitzman and let him know that he would be removed from the plane if he refused to return the mask. According to Insider, the young man returned the mask to avoid flight delays.

Later, the flight attendant handed the young man an eye mask from another Mint passenger that she said she wanted Weitzman to have. The mask did not have the airline branding.

The media report notes that JetBlue representative Derek Dombrowski said the company is now reviewing his policy.

"The policy does not specifically mention eye masks being provided as part of the amenity kit, and after reviewing the customer's video and speaking with them directly, we understand the frustration they felt," he said.

Following the incident, JetBlue apologized to Weitzman and offered him a free first-class ticket on his return flight.
