Christmas party: 10 original ways to celebrate it and have a great time

At Christmas everything goes The traditional celebration does not have to be the same year after year and there are alternatives that will leave you wanting more

By Alejandro Mancilla

The Christmas party is one of those events that we cannot avoid, even if we are not going to spend the end of the year in North Korea —where the celebration for religious purposes is prohibited, although the decorations and the usual Christmas tree are not— or some other destination under an extreme regime.

In practically the whole world, there are references to the traditional date of the Christmas party, that is a fact, but although it is impossible to avoid them, there are different ways to celebrate the annual event in an original way. Here are 10 of those alternatives that your inner Grinch will appreciate:


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This curious way of celebrating Christmas — or anti-Christmas — was patented by the American series Seinfield in the 90s, and as incredible as it may seem, despite its origin in fiction, it is currently carried out in real life. several theme parties especially in the United States, Germany and Argentina. In this party that takes place every December 23, they eat everything except turkey and instead of good wishes, the exchange consists of all the guests throwing their grievances in their faces and how much they have disappointed each other. the others in the year that is ending. Instead of a Christmas tree, a plain, unadorned aluminum tube is used.

christmas on the beach

Climate change has caused winters in this part of the world to be increasingly variable. Worrying, but at the same time, the disaster opens up the possibility of celebrating the holidays in an alternative way to the tradition carried out with punch, posadas and dinner with romeritos in between. Yes, with a bit of luck and a bit of heat, we can celebrate the nativity on the beach, in the style of Australians who visit the sea to prepare juicy barbecues by the waves, exchange Christmas gifts - that is included - and finish the year well tanned. Of course, if finances allow it, you can also approach those regions that stay warm in the season.

Christmas Nudist

In general, these types of Christmas parties are usually abroad, specifically in Europe, where Christmas dinners and exclusive nudist meetings are organized. Hotel complexes such as the Landhaus Lührmann in Austria, offer this type of alternative and winter activities such as a sauna surrounded by snow or, if you do not want to go that far, in Halifax County, Vermont, USA, nudist Christmas celebrations are offered with turkey and nudes on the card. No, do not invite your girlfriend's family to spend Christmas Eve with you if they decide that they will apply this option.

country christmas

A Christmas getaway to the province or to some magical town is usually a good —as well as affordable— option to avoid the classic Christmas dinner and have an excuse not to greet uncomfortable relatives and give up the exchange in which they will invariably give you some socks horrendous. Christmas in rural areas of Mexico is usually charming and evocative, and gives the opportunity to experience a different end of the year and, incidentally, learn about other traditions.

Exchange of—more than—gifts

What if instead of exchanging gifts, couples are exchanged? It sounds a bit disturbing, but in some swingers clubs in CDMX and other cities where this lifestyle flourishes, it is customary to have this type of alternative sex parties for people with broad criteria who do not conform to the traditional. Check the activities of the local clubs that hold this type of activity during the holidays and - at your own risk - calculate the size of the bow that you will put on your partner and in what part.

christmas camping

Whether in a remote place or undertaking a simple trip that does not take you away from the other parties that are celebrated on those same days and those that you want —or have— to attend, celebrating Christmas Eve camping is a great idea that you can apply with your partner, friends or with your family, in as rustic or modern ways as you wish. You can either book a campaign in the middle of a forest or bring your own tents. It's okay to bring a serving of turkey to continue the tradition, but ideally, fish in the nearby river to provide dinner (if you do, then tell us if you actually looked and checked how the fish drink in the river).

vegan christmas

If you are not a consummate vegetarian or vegan but you want to start that tradition and pass it on to your loved ones, what better way to do it at Christmas. There are no excuses, on the net there are vast alternatives of recipes and complete menus that will make this Christmas a celebration free of animal cruelty. As if that were not enough, one of the advantages of organizing a celebration under this trend is that you will consume significantly fewer calories, which translates into fewer regrets when you face the scale in January. Another advantage is that this can become a tradition that could be beneficial to your lifestyle if you decide to go that way.

Japanese Christmas fast food

Celebrating Christmas is usually a ritual that is repeated year after year and that is also an often excessive expense that is reflected the following month in the account statement, and that implies social pressure and a lot of stress for the hosts who organize the dinner as marks the tradition to the letter. Therefore, from time to time, it is worth celebrating the party in a cheeky and casual way in the style of the Japanese (whose party is more of a social custom and not a religious belief) and have fried chicken for dinner (KFC's is the one that in Tokyo they usually consume as an exquisite dish on December 24), pizza or hamburgers, and leave the usual food aside. It's okay, and we promise that the god child will not be angry if he does not eat cod, charales and apple salad for once in his life.

You could write the saddest verses tonight (good)

You can also adopt poetic customs —literally— such as those carried out in Lithuania, and that consist of all those attending the Christmas Eve party, must recite a small verse of their authorship for each gift they receive in the Christmas exchange or they collect from the Christmas tree. It is worth applying it both in the godinezca party, and in the family or friends reunion.

Christmas at a spa

A getaway as a couple or as a solo plan can have a spa as its destination. Yes, various businesses in this category offer exclusive packages for him and for her (in case you want to give him an original gift or put it on your wish list for the exchange) that include a light and delicious dinner, sparkling wine and a session relaxing that will leave you ready to face the next holidays properly and start the year with attitude. Doesn't the idea of ​​listening to bossa nova-style Christmas carols while you get a massage sound better than drinking punch with the aunt who spends half the evening bragging that your cousin makes more money than you?
