COVID in Spain: summary and cases of December 3

Holders of the day

-The Ministry of Health has registered 372,766 new cases and 168 deaths since last Thursday.The accumulated incidence rises 520 points and is located at 2,295 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days.

-Cataluña announced on Monday the first cases of Flurona in Spain, although since Salut they have nuanced that they are minor paintings.Israel detected the first case of Flurona, an infection of coronavirus and flu at the same time in a non -vaccinated pregnant woman.

-The students will return to the classrooms in person normally on January 10, although extreme precautionary measures. Salvo last minute surprises, this will be the main measure that will be adopted tomorrow at the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System of Health, according to EFE. COVID en España: resumen y casos del 3 de diciembre

-The Government will ask the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) to extend until next January 21 the night curb touch and maintain the prohibition of meetings of more than ten people.
