The virtual edition of Peru Fashion made business for more than 11 million dollars

Buenos Aires - During the last Redition of Peru Fashion in virtual modality, 476 commercial quotes and businesses

The business wheel participated 39 export companies from Arequipa, Ayacucho, Puno, Ica and Lima.The meetings were mainly focused on materials such as cotton and other fibers for adults, babies and children.95 buyers from 15 countries participated in the appointments, including Mexico;Chili;Brazil;Argentina;Colombia;Ecuador and Panama, mostly.

Among the highlights of export proposals were presented cotton garments in knitted fabric as poles;T-Shirts;dresses;leggins;Pants, babies and swoeaters.In addition, the increase in demand could be seen in categories such as pajamas, sportswear, babies and children and sweaters.

La edición virtual de Perú Moda concretó negocios por más de 11 millones de dólares

Según señala el medio anteriormente citado, de total de las empresas que fueron parte de esta rueda de negocios, el 68 por ciento fueron micro y pequeñas empresas; el 20 por ciento medianas y el 13 por ciento, grandes. Desde la organización anunciaron que Perú Moda Deco & Alpaca Fiesta se realizaría de manera presencial del 11 al 29 octubre de este año.
