Management How to combine shoes? #executives

Many people ask me this: How do I combine a shoe? Well here I acquit you with a simple question:

What dress code will you wear? On the internet and in books there are many codes, but I divided them like this:

Dress codes are divided into formal and informal:

- The formal style is divided into etiquette (tuxedo or gala suits, tailcoat, frock coat, etc.), elegant (solid suit for events), cocktail (suit but with fashionable touches, example with michi and extra details) and formal business (suit to The Office).

For formal style a derby style shoe is required.

Gestión ¿Cómo combinar los zapatos? #ejecutivos

- The informal style is divided into business casual (Example: cloth pants), smart casual (Example: colored pants, dockers style), casual casual (Example: jeans) and casual sportive (for exercise, sweatshirt).

The business casual style can be combined with derby shoes. You can combine smart casual with relaxed shoes, that is, for example, some suede. Casual casual encompasses all sneakers and casual sportive encompasses all sneakers but sports.

I hope I have helped you a bit! Soon a new post.
