How to encourage the use of covers in rural areas globally

Health experts from different institutions worldwide explain that the use of masks or covers can create complex interpersonal dynamics.However, they are the most effective method to stop the spread of the SARS-COV-2 virus, protect others and protect yourself.

A broad study by Yale and Stanford Medicine found that using surgical degree covers is an effective way to reduce contagios by COVID-19 in public places.Both institutions also demonstrated that specific relatively low cost interventions to promote their use can significantly increase their adoption in low -income areas.

Based on the results, the so -called "intervention model" is expanding to protect dozens of millions of people, mainly in southern Asia and Latin America."International coordinated effort is needed to successfully implement the generalized use of covers," said Stephen Luby, a teacher at Stanford Medicine and co -author of the study.

The clearest example where had positive results the intervention model was in the rural areas of Bangladesh.According to the researchers, 350 thousand people from 600 villages recruited to promote the use of masks.

Cómo incentivar el uso de cubrebocas en zonas rurales a nivel global

The results showed that 11% were less likely to develop COVID-19 compared to other areas where the use of masks was not promoted.The study which last eight weeks.

Give masks, inform about the importance of covering mouth and nose and remembering the use of masks in public places, were some of the measures used during the campaign.The prevention model tripled the regular use of the covers within the villages where its use was constantly promoted.In addition, they saw a slight increase in physical distancing in public spaces such as street markets, streets and main avenues.

Despite having more concrete evidence about the benefits of using covers in public sites, scientists confirmed that the use of masks can reduce the spread of the virus.Above, countries whose income is low and there are no possibilities of importing vaccines to immunize the population, promoting the use of covers can be an effective and low measure.

For now, the work team of the University of Yale and Stanford Medicine hopes to replicate the intervention model in other regions of Asia and also in Latin America.This with the purpose of encouraging cities to take care of themselves with basic measures and work together with governments to promote universal use of covers.

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