Financial Education: Santander launched "Saints Finance"

Santander launched "Santas Finance", a podcast channel on financial education, in which concepts, ideas and service tips suitable for all audiences are developed, for making economic decisions agilely and easily. It was not a casual day: as is the case since 2015, every first Monday of October is celebrated on financial education day. In its first episodes, key issues are addressed such as the opportunities offered by investments and savings for economic life, how to prevent themselves Faced with virtual scams or frauds and what is the importance of financial education for decision -making. With biweekly update, you can find different episodes to listen, download and share for free, on the Santander financial education website Argentina or on Weteker and Spotify platforms.

Juan Cerruti, who develops the episodes of holy finance, "education is a transformation tool and financial education, in particular, has the plus of working on the inclusion of people." Cerruti, chief economist of Santander Argentina and corporate communications manager, public affairs and economic studies of the entity, adds: “In these times, we all need to unlearn and relear new concepts. Through this new channel we want to reach thousands of people with notions and concepts to approach finance in a simple way. ”

education Financial: Santander launched “saints” Tags: