5 Trends of IT in health care that entrepreneurs must observe in 2022

Pandemia has catalyzed significant changes in the medical care industry, particularly on the Technological Front, since patients, payers and suppliers look for increasingly new ways to provide, receive and receive a refund for care.These have created new opportunities for business leaders committed to the delivery of innovative solutions and, of course, entrepreneurs with the best ideas are positioned to obtain financing more easily.

According to Deloitte, the risk financing for health technology doubled year after year in two0two0 and accelerated even more for two0two1 with record levels of investment through companies for acquiring special purpose (SPAC), private capital, capital ofRisk and debt financing.

A closer look at five medical care trends to observe:

1.The cloud movement continues

The health industry has been making the transition to cloud -based tools for some time, but adoption has generally been delayed between smaller/independent groups.In the last two years, the need to quickly access information and provide virtual care to patients has further accelerated this change to the cloud, especially among smaller independent groups, and this will continue in two0twotwo.

two.Doctors, patients and payers will adopt virtual attention even more

Before two0two0, telemedicine adoption rates were low. Si bien menos del 1 % de las citas de los pacientes se realizaron virtualmente en two019, el uso de la telesalud aumentó en un factor de 38 desde principios de two0two0 hasta febrero de two0two1, según McKinsey & Company : un cambio radical en la prestación de atención y a una velocidad prácticamente inaudito en el espacio de la salud.In the last two years, many have gone from experiencing their first virtual medical care meeting to wait for this new comfort of any supplier they choose.In addition to the patient's feeling, the greatest acceptance by insurance companies and the reduction of normative obstacles have rapidly increased the adoption of telemedicine by doctors.Look for virtual attention to continue moving forward in the months and years.

5 tendencias de TI en el cuidado de la salud que los empresarios deben observar en two0twotwo

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3.The technology that allows the control and remote management of patients will gain greater acceptance

Similar to the trajectory of telemedicine, technologies that allow remote monitoring of patient's health and chronic care management are rapidly gaining a broader acceptance, including devices that capture real -time data on blood pressure on blood pressure, theWeight, oxygen levels, activity and other vital elements, which collectively drives efficiency.And better attention.Every day new suppliers and devices enter the market, and we are likely to see an expansion of current use cases in two0twotwo.These pioneer technologies, which increasingly ensure health insurance reimburse.

4.More opportunities for virtual and augmented reality tools

Nowadays, virtual and augmented reality tools are mainly used for tasks such as medical training and complex procedures and surgeries in remote areas.They are also used in behavior health, as well as in physical and occupational therapy, but there is an emerging opportunity to apply them in a broader way.Be attentive to how virtual and augmented reality will be integrated into telemedicine and other methods for the provision of attention in the new year and beyond.Companies that can demonstrate the proof of concept, while complying with privacy standards and insurance requirements, will be in a leadership position, particularly as metavers are expanded.

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5.The implementation of automation and AI will become a higher priority

Automatic learning, artificial intelligence and other automation systems are already widely used in some specialties.For example, internal medicine practices commonly use the integrated with electronic health records to detect atypical values in test results, and many practices take advantage of data -based clinical decisions support.In this year and beyond, suppliers will bring things to the next level: use these technologies to provide clinical information that even more improve the results and automate mundane tasks.These have great potential to optimize administrative operations, such as claims reviews, as well as associated tasks, such as the recovery and delivery of data to insurance companies to support the award of claims.Look for a broader use of automation to handle this type of tasks from beginning to end, eliminating manual data entry and releasing staff for higher level work.It will also help medical organizations to deal with an adjusted labor market.

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