What causes a double chin, what are the types of double chin and everything you need to know

A double chin is excessive skin or accumulation of fat that is located on the neck, just below the jaw and chin, which in some cases can be congenital, and in others, manifest due to the food that is taken, says the plastic surgeon Juan Carlos Estrada.

Although there are several factors that increase the probability and severity of a double chin, one of the main causes is aging, according to the specialized website Medical News Today.

How to eliminate double chins from the neck and face naturally?

8 foods that help you reduce double chins

Tips to eliminate fat from the lower abdomen

This web portal also mentions that as skin ages, begins to lose some of the compounds that help it maintain its shape, specifically fat and tissue proteins elastin and collagen connective tissue.

In addition to the aforementioned, the skin tends to thin out or dry out, preventing it from retaining its shape. By becoming less resistant,it becomes more vulnerable to gravity and slowly begins to give way.


What causes double chin, what are the types of double chin and everything you need to know

How to remove double chin from the neck and face naturally?

How to eliminate a double chin

Estrada indicates that although a double chin can be formed by fat located only in the region between the chin and the neck, there is also another type of double chin, more extensive,< /b> "which is not limited and extends from the lower third of the face to the neck," he says.

The specialist adds that there is no exact method to avoid the formation of a double chin, but he recommends eating an adequate diet so as not to generate an accumulation of fat in the area.

8 foods that help you reduce double chin

Regarding the options to eliminate double chins, if we already have them, the expert explains that currently there are non-surgical treatments, such as deoxycholic acid, which it is injected into the affected area to dissolve the fat and produce a retraction.

There are also surgical treatments such as lipothermi, “in which fat is removed by aspiration, with local anesthesia, and ThermiTight is injected with radiofrequency, causing collagen tightening, which it leads to skin retraction with a lifting effect,” says Estrada.

Exercises to prevent double chins

Medical News Today points out in its publication that, to help the neck maintain its shape, you can perform some exercises that help stretch the facial muscles, These should be done evenly and not overused.

People should hold each exercise for 5 to 20 seconds before releasing it. Each exercise can be repeated 8 to 12 times, several times a day, the post says.

Common facial exercises that can help improve double chins include:

Most of the recommended exercises should be performed one after the other to ensure that the facial muscles are worked evenly, the article adds.

Tips to eliminate fat from the lower abdomen

Tips to Avoid a Double Chin

According to Medical News Today, there are some recommendations that can be followed by those who want to prevent or reduce the severity of their double chin. These are the following:
