Customs Supervisors of Talcahuano seize battery

Weekly dozens of containers are controlled and reviewed, because there are various ways that use some importers to try to enter contrabounds to the country and generate damages to fiscal coffers.

The Risk Analysis Unit (UAR) of the Regional Customs Department of Talcahuano and the audit teams have executed a series of procedures during the last weeks to seize dozens of smuggling goods of various types and origins, through theUse of intelligence with the support of non -invasive technologies, such as the scanner truck.

In all cases, the arrival of imports with undeclared products has been detected in the ports of the Biobío Region, that is, that they came hidden among other goods with the clear objective of mocking customs controls and evading taxes, configuring themselves in theMost cases The crime of smuggling typified in article 168 subsection II of the Customs Ordinance.

In this way, in the port of San Vicente they were discovered within a 40 -foot container -whose statement he said 437 packages -19 packages with 208 benches or children's stools valued at US $ 2,373.

In another cargo that arrived at the port of Coronel, and for which the importer had declared the import of more than 600 bicycles and tricycles, another 33 bicycles were smuggled with 16 bicycles 16 appraised US $ 1,164.

Fiscalizadores de Aduanas de Talcahuano incautan pilas, bicicletas, ropa usada, blanqueadores dentales y otros tipos de contrabandos

The same happened in San Vicente, where 10 boxes with wireless speakers of the Monster Torch brand were discovered, which came from the United States and were valued at US $ 1,121.In this case, in addition, the undue application of the TLC Chile-EE.UU tariff benefit was evidenced.Being merchandise with other origins, such as China, Vietnam and Canada, with this causing a damage to fiscal collection for the non -payment of the corresponding rights and taxes on goods valued at US $ 7,239.

In another procedure of similar characteristics executed by the Customs Supervisors of Talcahuano, a load from Canada was intercepted, containing 45 bales of used clothing that had not been declared.

Also from the alerts built by the Risk Analysis Unit, with the scanner truck a container was reviewed, according to the import declaration, tires for vehicles and tires of different measures.However, from the X -ray images and their interpretation by specialist officials, several merchandise and medications were detected without declaring and without the respective good health views.

The smuggling corresponded 941 units valued at US $ 1,587, within which 90 dice for tools of different measures, 60 bags with snow chains, 4 surveillance cameras, 21 Christmas light games and 600 bags with bolts stand out, in addition toMedicinal products such as Diclofenac, muscle patches and sachet of probiotics.

The thorough review of another container allowed to discover that between 1,543 bullets declared, 7 were hidden with a smuggling of 350 units of fighters and set of knees and elbows protectors.All these goods were valued at US $ 2,535.

In the port of Lirquén, 1,050 units of dental bleachers of the Hey Smile Kit brand were found, contained in 21 boxes of 50 units each.In this case, the evaluation reached US $ 28,576.In addition, these types of products also require good views of the Institute of Public Health (ISP) to be marketed in the country.Finally, in another review, 202 boxes were seized with 24,000 batteries or AA batteries, which imitated the Royal brand.

“We weekly control and review dozens of containers, because there are various ways that use some importers to try to enter contrabounds to the country and generate damages to fiscal coffers.However, the intelligence and experience of our officials is key to preventing this from detecting various risk indicators in certain imports, ”said the director (s) of the regional customs of Talcahuano, Roberto Romero.
