Mango grows in sales by 21% and plans to exceed the impact of the COVID this year

La compañía de moda Mango ya está dejando atrás el impacto generado por la crisis sanitaria de la covid 19. Los resultados correspondientes al primer semestre de 2021, presentados este lunes, indican que las ventas han crecido un 21% con respecto al mismo periodo de 2020. Superar la facturación generada en plena pandemia no era difícil, pero Mango ha conseguido también vender más en mayo y junio que en los mismos meses de 2019, antes de la crisis. Esta circunstancia hace que la empresa revise sus previsiones, y ahora calcula que este año podrá superar el resultado obtenido hace dos ejercicios.Mango crece en ventas un 21% y prevé superar el impacto de la covid este año Mango crece en ventas un 21% y prevé superar el impacto de la covid este año

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Crisis en la industria textil: un 2021 con la moda de hace un año
Mango pierde 110 millones en 2020 por la caída en ventas a causa de la pandemia

The good progress of the data of this first semester indicates that the fashion company was on the right track when the plans for the pandemic were truncated.In 2019, the company owned by Isak Andic managed.374 million, the historical record so far.The course from then.The objectives were optimistic, but the crisis arrived.Last year, Mango lost 110 million and the pandemic made sales fall by 22%.

However, the course was marked, and the results of this first semester of 2021 show that last year was a bump that the company expects to recover soon, with the aim of exceeding the benefits obtained in 2019.Thus, between January and June of this year, sales have grown by 21%, driven mainly by the online channel, which has increased 37% over the same period of the previous year, and 85% more if we compare it withThe first semester of 2019.

Mango crece en ventas un 21% y prevé superar el impacto de la covid este año

The effect that pandemic has had on consumer uses and customs, already more accustomed to digital purchase, is evident.The weight of the online channel for mango billing already represents 46%, and this exercise plans to close it with digital sales above 1.000 million euros.Already at the end of the exercise of the pandemic the online sale was great news for the company.In 2020, while physical stores noticed a 43% decrease in sales, the online channel grew by 36%, a trend that has continued with the same pace in the first six months of this year.The rise of the sale online because of the pandemia took Mango with the duties done, since, as the CEO has indicated the CEO, the company promoted this channel two years ago.In fact, its online sales platform is designed to sell not only the products of the clothing brand (and, from this year, also of household products), but can also be purchased in its portal products of other brands, selectedBy mango when considering them a good complement to their image.This is the case, for example, of Intimissimi, of the Calzedonia Lingerie Group.

The commercial margin has also improved in 1.8 points compared to 2019, standing above 58%, and the result before taxes (EBITDA) has improved in more than 20 million euros compared to the same period of 2019 and almost 100compared to the same months of 2020.

Conoce en profundidad todas las caras de la moneda.

“The results achieved in what we have been for the year make us optimistic for the second semester, in which we expect a recovery of sales above the 2019 figures.We anticipate again this exercise, ”explains Ruiz in a statement.And that despite the fact that during this first semester there have also been restrictions in its physical stores because of Covid 19: on average mango shops have closed 50 days in these six months, with special affectation in Germany, France, United Kingdom, the United Kingdom,Portugal and Turkey.
