In uncertain times, AECOP launches its international congress "live", a proposal of hope and future

InteManagementIn uncertain times, AECOP launches its international congress "live", a proposal from... by managers and managers-

Obviously we are living in a troubled age all over the world, which is why this year the AECOP executive coaching association has decided to organize its congress focused on a message of illusion, hope and gratitude: live! Not everyone has had the same fate, and not a few organizations have been able to survive the pandemic. For this reason, AECOP considers that those who are still alive have a commitment to "live", an acronym of the four values in which this event will revolve: courage, Integration, will and Enterprise.

It was courageous, as a quality to move forward in spite of fear, exploring this concept in its relationship with executive coaching in the organizational and business sphere; Integration, as a value that unites wills, adds resources and recognizes the differential value that each person brings, emphasizing the quality of executive coaching to favor team spirit and effective integration of people; will to commit with determination; and Enterprise, as configurator of our socio-economic fabric, recognizing its impact on society as an economic and social engine.

AECOP celebrará del 22 al 25 de noviembre en formato online su congreso internacional “VIVE”, una propuesta de esperanza y futuro en tiempos de incertidumbre. Mesas redondas, conferencias magistrales, talleres, salas de networking donde se… Clic para tuitear

The dynamics of the congress, which will again be online through the zoom platform, encourages the exchange of knowledge and the active participation of all attendees, with interaction both among themselves and with the speakers themselves. Round tables, master conferences, workshops, networking rooms where the state and future of executive coaching will be reviewed over four intense days, from 22 to 25 November.

En tiempos inciertos, AECOP lanza su congreso internacional “VIVE”, una propuesta de esperanza y futuro

El congreso, consolidado ya en LATAM, contará con facilitadores de Europa, LATAM y USA, y contará con traducción simultánea. Alguno de los speakers confirmados son Sandra Rozo, presidenta de la Asociación Colombiana de Coaching Ontológico Profesional; Horacio Cortese, Doctor en Sociología y autor de “Manual de Coaching de Equipos” (Argentina); CB Bowman, CEO de ACEC (The Association of Corporate Executive Coaches) y MEECO Leadership Institute (USA); Ricardo Aquino, presidente de Sovencoaching ( Venezolana de Coaching); Mercè Brey, experta en Diversidad y Liderazgo; Marieta del Rivero, consejera Independiente de CELLNEX TELECOM, GESTAMP y ONIVIA; José Espósito, fundador Grupo Con Sentido (Venezuela); Carlon Morán, director RRHH CEPSA; Teresa Gallastegui, directora de Personas y Organización ECOEMBES; Luis Gaviria, presidente International Association of Coaching (USA); Silvia Escribano, experta en Bienestar y Felicidad Organizacional; Rafael López, director de RRHH Credite Agricole Indosuez; Juan Sanz, director Financiero en Grupo SIEMENS España; y Jaume Gurt, advisor & mentor de directivos y director general GFWF

III AECOP awards "coaching in the Company"

Taking advantage of the International Congress, AECOP will resolve the winners of the third edition of its "Culture of coaching in the Enterprise" Awards, created in 2019 to recognize entities that promote the internal culture of executive coaching in their organizations. ADIF, Caixabank, Endesa, Repsol or ING are companies awarded in previous editions, in fact some will participate in the congress sharing their experiences.

Discover the other speakers, the program and sign up here

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