How to know if the hotel has bed bugs and what to do if you have them

Do you want to read a true horror story?Imagine getting to a hotel where you have to face with almost imperceptible beings, but whose only source of food is your blood.And not only that: rather than supporting them during your vacation, there is a risk of taking them home without wanting.

As you read in the title of the note, this time we do not talk about ghosts or mythical beings, but of the bed bugs.Animals that seem insignificant but can become a huge discomfort for your daily life, in addition to wasting money and time.

We tell you how you can check your hotel room to make sure you have no bed bugs, in addition to the extra precautions you can take so as not to wear insects in your suitcase or clothes.

What are bed bugs

Bed therepe are small and flattened parasitic insects, which feed on blood from humans and animals while they sleep, explain the centers for the control and prevention of diseases in the United States.

They are reddish brown and measure between one and 7 millimeters.That is, at most measure half of the diameter of a one0 cents in Mexico.

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

These are insects without wings and that do not transmit diseases.However, their bites cause swelling, itching and, in people with very delicate skin or excessive reactions, it may be possible to generate secondary infections.

The worst of the bed bugs is that they are excellent hiding and can survive several months on a surface without feeding.

How to know if there are bed bugs in your hotel room

The first thing you should know is that these insects can live in any type of hotel, even being luxurious.Its presence has nothing to do with hygiene, but because of the high rotation in the occupation of a place;That is why it is so common in hotels and hostels, because by definition many people sleep in them.

How do the bed bugs look

An adult bug can be distinguished with the naked eye and looks more or less like an apple seed, says the United States Environmental Protection Agency.They have an oval and flat body.

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It is more difficult to distinguish nymphs (they are the youngest), because their size is even smaller and have a translucent or yellow color.If they have not fed recently, they are almost invisible.

The eggs have the dimensions of a pin head and a supered tone.If they have more than five days, they are identified by being marked with an ocular stain.

You will not always find living insects so easily.But there are signs that betray their presence in the room, such as the following:

-Exolesqueletos.The beds move with leather, and you may find your remains.

-Exidated blood of oxidized blood, which are noted on surfaces such as sheets or pillowcases.Are generated by the fecal matter of insects.

-Olor moisture.

Photo: Istock

Steps to check the room

one.Ideally, you do the review as soon as you enter the hotel room, it advises the consumer magazine.For greater security, put your suitcase in the metal -threw carrier with which many hotels have or, only during the review, leave it in the bathroom (a place where bed bugs do not usually hide).

If your room does not have a luggage, it is better to keep the suitcase on hard surfaces, not in bed or armchairs to contain fabric.

2.To optimize your search you will need a flashlight.It is also advisable to have a credit card at hand, because its thickness is approximately equal to that of insects: if a groove in the bed or furniture has space to insert a card, then there is also perfectly a bug.

3.Remove the sheets and blankets to check the mattress and its base, especially in the header area.Do not limit yourself to flat surfaces, you have to look at the fabric folds, as well as any slot (this is where a credit card is useful).It is common for insects to hide in mattress seams and under it, or in fabric folds.

Photo: Wikimedia Commons/ Hadifn

4.Do not forget Checar in Rodapiés, in armchairs (especially the part where you recharge your head) and in upholstered furniture, says the TripSavvy website.

5.Although during your review you find no evidence that there are bed bugs, it is best that during your stay you keep your bags closed on the holder, and do not leave clothes on the bed or armchairs.You can also store clothes in bags, indicates consumer reports.

6.If you found evidence of insects, ask you to change your room to another hotel area, advise TripSavvy.It is not enough that you go to the room next door.

Extra precautions

Anyone who has had this plague at home, such as the journalist Summer Hull of the website The Points Guy, would tell you that it is not an exaggeration to take extra measures when arriving home after being in a hotel.

-The beds cannot survive heat.One option is to put your clothes in a hot dryer for 30 minutes.If you don't have a dryer, put your clothes in black bags and leave them in the sun can do the job.

-Toly pillow and mattress protectors are due to prevent bedbug plags;They do not make it impossible for insects to arrive but they contain them or prevent them from reaching the deepest parts of the mattress.

-As there are also traps for insects, which are placed on the bed legs and prevent animals from rising.

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