Caro Suki, the Argentine influencer that triumphs with its exercise routines in Miami

Hace diez años Carolina Sicoli se animó a dejar el trabajo de sus sueños en una agencia de publicidad para iniciar su camino independiente en el mundo fitness. La influencer argentina conocida como Caro Suki en su cuenta de Instagram se mudó a Miami hace una década y cosechó una multitudinaria comunidad virtual. Desde la ciudad norteamericana, habló con Teleshow sobre las experiencias que la llevaron a apostar por un estilo de vida saludable y sus ganas de motivar a otros.

“Cuando era chica siempre estaba trepando árboles, bailando, era súper activa”, confiesa, aunque no contemplaba como una posibilidad vivir de su pasión por el entrenamiento.From the age of 8 he made hockey and kept it until 18, while alternating with dance classes.Although the exercise remained present in his life, the following years concentrated all his energies in his university career.

He trained in advertising and institutional communication and later made a specialization in human resources.He worked as a content creator for the Ogilvy and Mathers advertising agency, and assumed the challenge of handling a high -level client portfolio. “Ejercer mi profesión me hizo muy feliz, fue el mejor trabajo de mi vida y lo hice por 15 años”, relata.

That accumulated experience served him to launch himself when the possibility of living in the United States was presented.It all started with a job proposal, but also coincided with a conducive personal moment to make the big leap.In the midst of her agitated routine she maintained a distance relationship with her boyfriend, a young Argentine who lived in Miami two decades ago, and both felt that they were prepared to bet on coexistence.

“Nunca consideré la idea de irme de Buenos Aires, todo lo contrario, siempre me imaginé ahí, pero se dio la oportunidad y tuve que reorganizar mis prioridades”, asegura.After promising herself, she would try to travel to meet her family and friends, she saw the fruits of the effort and the result exceeded all her expectations: she is in a couple eleven years ago and after nodding in the northern country she wanted to try her luckAs an independent worker.

"I wanted to have more flexibility and join my two facets: training is my passion and brands are my customers," he says. Al poco tiempo nació su cuenta de Instagram, que actualmente supera los 413.000 followers. La influencer de 37 años se convirtió también en una fashionista de la comunidad fit por sus aplaudidos looks deportivos, y gracias a su afición por el baile conoció a Jésica Cirio, con quien incursionó en Zumba. Más adelante coincidió con Rocío Guirao Díaz, la modelo argentina que se mudó a Miami en marzo de 2021 junto a su familia, y se hicieron grandes amigas.

"When was your passion for the fitness world?"

Caro Suki, la influencer argentina que triunfa con sus rutinas de ejercicios en Miami

Empecé muy chica a entrenar, desde los 15 años.My routines were 20 minutes, half an hour because I studied at the faculty and worked at the same time.I think that only on Saturdays came to make a one -hour routine that was like my most training day.And when I moved here there was always a culture of Profitness.Everyone here trains and eats healthy or I at least surrounds me with a large majority with those habits. Además coincidió con que me detectaron celiaquía y ahí cambié por completo mi dieta.

"You had your networks in your moment that you were worried about your health because it had been bad for several months ..."

"The first thing I felt when they told me that I am a celiac was relief, because I had done the idea that I had very serious things.I felt bad but all the studies did well and I was afraid.The same when I realized what I meant I started crying because I was not going to be able to eat certain things.Imagine the romantic relationship we have with the food that I cried for what I would no longer be able to eat again, because there are no allowed foods.

"After all the changes you made, did you start feeling better?"

Al año me empecé a sentir espectacular, y ya tenía otra rutina de alimentación.When I started investigating and realized that I ate chicken legs with tomato five times a week, I understood all the processed food that put my body.At that time there was no Gluten Free label so I even sent mails asking in the factories if there was something without gluten.It was crazy, not like now that everything is more advanced. No deja de ser una enfermedad autoinmune y me tengo que cuidar de otras patologías, pero siempre fui flaca y comía mucha chatarra; así que si no descubría esto quizá jamás me hubiera cuidado.It would have finished diabetic.

"And how was the process of becoming influencer fit?"

He shed when I started going religiously every day to a very demanding gym with the technique, where they dedicated themselves to training athletes and my coach began to filmed at first.She told me: ‘Watch your video from here to three months, compare your squatillas, and you will see how you progress’. Por ese entonces mi Instagram estaba lleno de fotos de mis mascotas y mis amigos; pero comencé a subir videos que yo misma había grabado y me empezó a escribir gente de todas partes del mundo.It was very rare.They asked me about the gym and type of training, because at that time I was not so fashionable to train full with free pesos, they were always routines with machines, or mix of machines with some free weight exercise, but no elastic bands or other elements, then I caught my attention and they asked me what result I gave, they wanted to know more, and so it began to go viral.

—Other of your passions is the dance, and that is why you entered Zumba with Jésica Cirio

—Yes, with Jésica we began to move Argentina with Zumba and at the same time I started working independently with training. Eso me dio el puntapié para empezar en paralelo con mi cuenta con recomendaciones de fitness, rutinas, y los looks deportivos, que justo estaba en auge, la moda athleisure, algo que antes no existía.

"And that trend was ideal for your lifestyle ...

"Totally, I started combining clothes with my routine all day.If he had a meeting he ended up going from fitness.I began to give that more importance to that, I was dressed in sport all day and I wantedFree content in exchange for them to reposition me. Quería darme a conocer en Estado Unidos porque yo era una desconocida en Miami, y muy pronto me empezaron a escribir de Los Ángeles, de Nueva York, y hoy tengo una comunidad muy fiel que me sigue a full y por suerte sigue creciendo.

"Did you have any specific objective with your community?"

"You could say that my idea was never to have more followers. Mi foco está en ser la mejor información disponible, que la gente confíe 100% en mí.Entails a discipline and social responsibility to communicate in the networks.In my case there was no aesthetic motive.I am interested in being healthy and it seems important to me not to associate it with thinness.I always say that if the balance between exercise and diet is achieved, the aesthetic part comes hand in hand, that is where beauty arises.If you become obsessed with eating little to have an aesthetic body, the result is the opposite: obsession becomes stress and that is very dangerous.

—In your advice you include rest days, and you emphasize not overexige

"Sure, because the body really needs to recover.It is important not to lose sight of each particular case.Unfortunately, the most frequent I see on Instagram are badly done exercises, poorly raised routines, bad heat entries, I would tell you that there is a bad than good than good than good.

"Do you have any future project?"

"Yes, many people have been asking for an application years ago. Y yo soy tan perfeccionista que lo vine postergando, porque es un desafío que sea apta para todos los niveles, evitar riesgos de lesiones, y entonces con mi amiga y compañera de entrenamiento, Roció Guirao Díaz, vamos a crear un challenge y lo vamos a lanzar entre febrero y marzo.We want to show everything we do for six weeks so that people can follow us in real life.The idea is not to be frustrated, so we lower the complexity a little, it will be something intermediate.From Monday to Monday they will have everything we do, and it is also a test for me to see how people respond.

"After ten years as an influencer, do you feel made with the achievements you harvested?"

—When I read the messages that follow me, I find out what things they worked or what I no longer have to do. Que exista una sola persona en el mundo que haya mejorado sus hábitos por mí ya es un montón y esa es mi motivación.


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