A 7-year-old dies while training football in Gandia


A seven-year-old boy has died while training football in the Valencian town of Gandia, according to sources from the Emergency Information and Coordination Centre (CICU) and the club.

The incident took place this Thursday afternoon, at around 7 p.m., when the minor was training on his football team, UD Beniopa. The child became unconscious, according to club sources, after hitting himself in the head fortuitously. CICU was advised, which mobilized a SAMU unit and a primary Care physician to the indicated location.

The medical team carried out various stabilization exercises for the child and was subsequently transferred to Francesc Hospital in Borja de Gandia, where he died shortly thereafter.

Un niño de 7 años fallece cuando entrenaba al fútbol en Gandia

The club, UD Beniota, issued an official statement in which it decreed official mourning and moved that it was a "very hard and difficult time to digest". He has also conveyed his deepest condolences to the parents and brothers of the deceased minor.

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