Seven profitable business ideas for 2020 and that require little investment

Photos |If one of your goals for next year is to start your own business, but you still don't know which one to start, the first thing you should do to find the indicated is to investigate what could be profitable businesses for two0two0.

Following our custom of each year, in this article we present a list with 7 of the most profitable businesses that we consider for two0two0, taking into account the most important business trends and events during two019 in most Spanish -speaking countriesand the United States.

Trends for two0two0

Before starting with our list, let's see below what are the main trends that are expected for next year in the Spanish -speaking market, including the United States and, therefore, the trends we have taken as the basis for preparing the list.

Next, 7 profitable business ideas for two0two0:

1.See and feel good

A trend that has been for some years now, and that will continue in this two019, is the search in people to look and feel good, and the proof of this is the increase of gyms and spas that we see in the streets, andof people who come to these, as well as the new beauty and relaxation treatments that appear more and more frequently in the market.

So we consider that the first profitable business for two0two0 on our list will be one dedicated to the sale of products or provision of services that allow people to look and feel good.

Here are some specific examples:

Hairdresser at home

A business dedicated to providing home hairdress.

In your business dedicated to providing home hairdress.

Ejemplo de éxito, en México: Bonna, asesora personal de belleza a domicilio.

Home massages

A massage center would allow to take advantage of the trend that exists in people for feeling good, but also the trend that also exists in people to look for moments of relaxation that allow them to relieve stress, and the little time they have todayTo go to a traditional massage center.

To set up a massage center, you would need a small place located in a place with a good influx of public such as a shopping center, a tourist area or a gallery, one or more stretchers or chairs for massages, items such as towels, blankets,lotions and oils for massages, and qualified personnel who are responsible for providing massages.

Ejemplo de éxito, en Perú: Masaje & Bienestar, una empresa dedicada a disminuir el estrés, a tonificar, relajar multiples músculos y más.

Yoga workshop

Due to the trend that exists in people to seek to see and feel good, and for looking for moments of relaxation that allow them.

To set up a yoga workshop you would need a place where it can work, which could be located in your own home in case of the proper location, space and conditions, equipment such as mats and yoga balls, and oneor more yoga teachers who are responsible for providing classes.

Ejemplo de éxito, en Ecuador: Ganesha Yoga en Guayaquil, creando espacio para que te sientas en familia, feliz y disfrute de tu presente a plenitud.

two.Healthy food sale

Una tendencia relacionada con el deseo en las personas de verse y sentirse bien, que también viene desde hace ya algunos años, y que se espera que en el two0two0 cobre más fuerza, es la preferencia en las personas por la comida saludable, la cual no necesariamente implica comida dietética o vegetariana, sino que simplemente podría implicar comida baja en grasas y condimentos.

Por lo que consideramos que el siguiente negocio rentable para el two0two0, será uno dedicado a la venta de comida saludable.

Here are some specific examples:

Distribution of healthy food menus at home

A health -food -food menus distribution business where dishes made based on, for example, vegetables, cereals or legumes, would allow to take advantage of the trend that exists in people for consuming healthy foods, but also the little time thatToday people have to cook or go out to eat at a restaurant.

To set up a business dedicated to providing the distribution service of healthy food menus at home, you would need to enable your home kitchen in such a way that you can prepare the menus there, a phone through which people make you orders, oneor more distributing vehicles, and personnel who help you prepare the menus and/or distribute them.

Ejemplo de éxito, en España: Las Encarnas, empresa de comidas a domicilio en Barcelona.

Healthy food truck

A food or food truck truck, where healthy food is sold such as soy hamburgers, vegetarian salads or tacos, would also allow the trend that exists in people for eating healthy foods, and the little time that today inday they have to cook or go to a restaurant, but also stand out for their novelty, not so much because it is a food truck, which are already known, but because most food trucks do not usually sell healthy food.

To set up a healthy food or food truck, you would need a vehicle with the necessary conditions to be converted into the food truck such as a van to which you would remove the seats and windows on the one hand, and you would install a kitchen, agood permission that allows you to operate in a strategic place, and personnel who help you prepare food and/or serve the public.

Ejemplo de éxito, en México: Route 69, un camión de comida rápida, versión saludable en la Ciudad de México.

Siete ideas de negocios rentables para el two0two0 y que requieren de poca inversión

To follow the route 69 truck, in addition to smell, you need to enter T:@route69_mx.

Sale of dietary desserts

Another business that would take advantage of the trend that exists in people for eating healthy, and for which there is still not much competition, is one dedicated to the sale of dietary desserts such as, for example, cakes, cakes, feet and cupcakes made withnatural ingredients, without sugar and without refined flour.

The preparation of the desserts could do it in your own home, while for the sale of these, if you do not have enough capital to rent a place, you could sell them in your garage in case you have a free and your house is located inA busy street, or through intermediary businesses such as bakeries, restaurants and supermarkets.

Ejemplo de éxito, en Colombia: Sin Azúcar, una repostería ubicada en Medellín.

3.Electronic commerce

Another trend that has been giving for some years now, but that has just begun to gain strength (probably due to the incentives that large brands have been offering consumers to buy their products on the Internet, the greatest access than todayIn the day, people have credit cards, and the popularization of prepaid cards that allow buying a credit card online), is the increase in electronic commerce in the Spanish -speaking market.

Por lo que consideramos que el siguiente negocio rentable para el two0two0 con buen rendimiento, será uno dedicado al comercio electrónico.

Here are some specific examples:

Low cost online store

An online low -cost clothing store is a type of online store based on a business model that already several brands are successfully exploiting in the English -speaking market and has not yet been fully exploited in the Spanish -speaking market,In addition to this, it would allow the increase in electronic commerce to be taken in the Spanish -speaking market, and that we consider that it could succeed if in the store it is offered, in addition to low prices, fashion, quality and variety.

To create an online store you could use some of the various programs that exist on the Internet to create and manage online stores such as Shopify and Prestashop, while in terms of clothes to be sold (which you should not have physically when selling it)You could send it to prepare a clothing workshop with your own brand and/or buy it in wholesale to one or more suppliers or manufacturers.

Ejemplo de éxito, en España: Heve, tienda de moda low cost sofisticada y actual.

T -shirt store

An online t-shirt store (also known as shirts, shirts, T-Shirts, t-shirts and poles) is a type of online store that has allowed him to earn a lot of money to several people in the English-speaking market and that has not yet been exploitedAt all in the Spanish -speaking market, and that we also consider that it could succeed if models of unique, original and novel t -shirts are offered in the store.

To create an online store you could use some of the various programs that exist on the Internet to create and manage online stores such as Shopify and Prestashop, while for the preparation of the shirts, you could send them to make a workshop of clothing with your own brand, and you just take care of the design of the prints.

Ejemplo de éxito, en España: LaTostadora, ¡Crea tu propia tienda online gratis y vende tu propio merchandising!

Sale of technological products at auction sites

A business dedicated to the sale of technological products such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, straightHispanic, but also the increase in the demand for technological products that is also being given in this market.

To create a business dedicated to the sale of technological products in auction sites you will need one or more technological products suppliers.

Register in one of the auction sites that exist on the Internet such as eBay and MercadoLibre, and publish in these sites attractive images of the products you are going to sell, as well as attractive descriptions of these.

Ejemplo de éxito, en Argentina: Gadnic Tienda oficial en Mercado Libre Argentina, ¡descubre la mejor forma de comprar online!

4.Sale of organic products

Otra tendencia que se viene dando desde hace ya algunos años y que con seguridad continuará en el two0two0, es la preocupación por el cuidado del medio ambiente y, con ello, el consumo de productos ecológicos (productos que no atentan contra el medio ambiente al utilizar o estar hechos de insumos naturales o reciclables).

Por lo que consideramos que el siguiente negocio rentable para el two0two0 será uno dedicado a la venta de productos ecológicos.

Here are some specific examples:

Organic food sale

A business dedicated to the sale of organic foods (foods such as vegetables, fruits, meat and dairythat exists in people to consume healthy and nutritious foods.

If you do not have enough capital to buy or rent a place where you can sell ecological foods, you could sell them on the Internet through an online store and thus, in addition to taking advantage of the trend in increasing electronic commerce in the market ofHispanic speaks, take advantage of all the advantages that it entails such as its low cost and the possibility it offers to work from home.

Ejemplo de éxito, en España: Barriga verde, mercado online de productos orgánicos frescos, sanos y naturales al mejor precio.

Sale of electric vehicles

A business dedicated to the sale of electric vehicles such as cars, motorcycles and electric bicycles, would allow to take advantage of the trend that exists for the care of the environment, but also the demand that currently exists for this type of vehicles, which has arrivedTo be so attractive that more and more cars manufacturing companies (and even, in some cases, belonging to a different item) that decide to manufacture and sell their own electric cars.

To set up a business dedicated to the sale of electric vehicles, you would need a manufacturer or distributor of electric vehicles that can provide you, a place strategically located where you can sell them, and personnel who are responsible for managing the premises and serving the public.

Ejemplo de éxito, en España: Ecobike, un proyecto ambicioso dentro del mercado de los vehículos eléctricos, concretamente de las bicicletas eléctricas.

5.Sale of technological products

A quite marked trend in recent years and that becomes stronger (probably due to the large number of novel technological products that are increasingly frequently coming to the market) is the increase in the consumption of technological products.

Por lo que consideramos que el siguiente negocio rentable para el two0two0, será uno dedicado a la venta de productos tecnológicos.

Here are some specific examples:

Sale of drones

The sale of drones (unmanned and remotely controlled aerial vehicles) would allow the fashion that exists at the use of these products, which until recently were reserved for military uses, but that anyone can use, andthat we can find in a wide variety of models, sizes and prices.

To set up a business dedicated to the sale of drones you would need a place where you can sell these, which would not have to be a wide place but be well located;Although if you do not have enough capital to buy or rent a place, you could sell the drones on the Internet through an online store or simply through a Facebook ‘Page’.

Ejemplo de éxito, en Argentina: AllDrone, Representantes Oficiales de DJI en Argentina.

Wearable sale

La venta de wereables (Tecnología vestible: dispositivos electrónicos que una persona lleva consigo en alguna parte de su cuerpo con el fin de obtener el beneficio de alguna de sus funciones, y entre los que destacan los relojes, las pulseras y los lentes inteligentes) permitiría aprovechar la gran demanda de estos productos que varios especialistas pronostican para este two019 como consecuencia de una reducción en sus precios, un diseño más delgado y una mejora en sus funciones.

Such as in the previous case, if you do not have enough capital to acquire or rent a place where to sell the strapeable ones, you could simply sell them on the Internet through an online store, which would allow you to take advantage of the increase in electronic commercethat is being given in the Spanish -speaking market.

Ejemplo de éxito, en Estados Unidos: Wearable Technologies, a plataforma pionera y líder mundial en la tecnología vestible.

6.Services for older people

Debido a los avances tecnológicos en medicina que les están permitiendo a las personas vivir por más tiempo, una tendencia que crece año a año y que en el two0two0 no dejará de hacerlo, es el aumento de la población de personas mayores.

Por lo que consideramos que el siguiente negocio rentable para el two0two0 de un buen rendimiento, será uno dedicado a la prestación de servicios para adultos de edad avanzada o personas de la tercera edad.

Here are some specific examples:

Care for older people at home

A business dedicated to providing the service of older people at home would take advantage of the increase in the population of older adults, the little time that people have today to take care of them and attend them, and the desire that exists in people to seekThe care and attention they deserve, but without having to leave home.

In your business dedicated to providing the service of older people at home, you wouldCustomer address.

Ejemplo de éxito, en España: Cuidum, una empresa de asistencia domiciliaria que nació como respuesta a los problemas diarios de las personas mayores y dependientes.

Recreational center for elderly adults

A recreational center for older people would take advantage of the increase in the population of the elderly, the desire in people to give them entertainment and a better quality of life, and the fact that there is still not much competition in this segment.

In your recreational center for the elderly, which you could ride in your own home in case you have adequate location, space and conditions, you would offer various activities for older adults such as local walks, dance classes, yoga classes,Computer classes, craft workshop, and painting workshop.

Example of success, in Mexico: Senior Club, a retirement house designed exclusively so that all members can enjoy the day doing different activities.

7.Pet products and services

Otra tendencia que se está dando en estos momentos y que se espera que en el two0two0 cobre más fuerza (probablemente debido a la gran cantidad de productos y servicios para mascotas novedosos que van apareciendo en el mercado cada vez con mayor frecuencia) es el deseo en las personas por engreír a sus mascotas y procurarles toda clase de productos y servicios.

Por lo que el último que consideramos como negocio rentable para el two0two0 en nuestra lista, será uno dedicado a la venta de productos o prestación de servicios para mascotas.

Here are some specific examples:

Sale of pet accessories

A business dedicated to the sale of pet accessories such as, for example, wooden houses, beds, straps, necklaces, clothing, toys, food dispensers and electronic pet locators, would allow to take advantage of the trend that exists in people to concealto your pets and buy all kinds of products.

To set up a business dedicated to the sale of pet accessories, if you do not have enough capital to rent a place where to sell the accessories, you could choose to sell them on the Internet through an online store, which in addition to allowing you to saveat home and in products (since you should not have these physically when selling them), it would allow you to take advantage of the growth in electronic commerce that is being given in the Spanish -speaking market.

Ejemplo de éxito, en España: Tiendanimal, contamos con almacenes y oficinas por toda España para garantizar una gestión de entrega rápida.

Veterinary specialized in exotic birds and pets

A veterinary specialized in exotic birds and pets such as rabbits, turtles and iguanas, would allow the trend that exists in people to worry about the well -being of their pets, the increase in the number of people who have this type of pets, and the problemthat people usually have not to find a veterinarian specialized in exotic birds and pets when their exotic birds or pets get sick or suffer an accident.

To set up a veterinary specialized in exotic birds and pets, you would need a place where it can work, which would not need to be located in a busy street since it is a rare business people would look for you where you are, equipment necessary to provideVeterinary, and veterinary services specialized in exotic birds and pets that are responsible for providing services.

Ejemplo de éxito, en Perú: Dr.Feathers, a veterinarian of birds and exotic in Santiago de Surco, Lima.

Dog walks

Due to the trend that exists in people for conceiting and looking for the well -being of their pets, dog walk services are increasingmost frequently in the streets.

In your business dedicated to providing dog walking service you could start just making the walks, and over time hire other people to help you with these, as well as offer other related services such as dog training, transferredto the veterinarian, and bathrooms at home.

Ejemplo de éxito, en Estados Unidos: Downtown Pets, ofrecemos servicios para perros en la ciudad de Nueva York para todas las etapas de la vida de su mascota.

Pet Spa

A pet spa where services such as bathroom, ears cleaning, haircut, nail and massage is another business that would take advantage of the trend that exists in people for conceiting their pets and seeking all kindsof care that allow them to look aesthetically and feel relaxed.

To set up a pet spa, you would need a place where it can work, which could be located in your own home in case of adequate conditions such as a good location and adequate space, furniture and equipment necessary to provide the services, and qualified personnel to help you with these.

Ejemplo de éxito, en México: Spa-Pet, el mejor salón de belleza para mascotas en México.

Final notes

En este artículo hemos visto los negocios que consideramos que serán los más rentables para el two0two0 y, por tanto, los negocios que deberías tomar en cuenta si una de tus metas para el próximo año es iniciar tu propio negocio; sin embargo, lo cierto es que no son los únicos negocios rentables que existen.

To find others it is just a matter of analyzing the market a bit;For example, that you try to detect new needs in people, changes in their tastes, or problems to solve in your locality, and then devise a business, product or service that is responsible for meeting those needs, satisfying those tastes, or solving those thoseproblems you have detected.

You can also find profitable businesses by analyzing businesses with better performance, products with greater demand, or the most required services in your city, and then devise a similar business or service, but that has a differentiation or better.

If you know any other profitable business for this year that you would like to publicPage telling us your case.

Original article written by Arturo R.of business is a website where you will find all the information you need to start and grow your business.Stay up to date with the latest news and business advice through your favorite Facebook or Twitter platform.
