For a post you have to pay fortunes: how much celebrities charge for mentioning a product in the networks

Every four years, half of the global population looks at a single show: the World Cup, which in its latest edition in Russia was followed by 3.570 million people.

But there is another "show", which is broadcast 24 hours a day and in which brands invest millions to reach an equally important audience that meets on Facebook (2.4 million people), Instagram (1.000 million) and Tiktok (500 million), among other networks.

As data, only 650 are made on Instagram.000 "scrolleos" per minute and influencers - as they are called to those who generate interaction and are opinion leaders - fight to gather visualizations and likes, the rating of the digital era.

Millionaire sums also charge for publishing content on products, since their voices are very heard by the public.Indeed, a Ninch Communication Company and OH Panel report indicates that six out of 10 Argentines bought an article after an influencer recommended it.

Globally, social networks advertising is regulated and influencers charge fortunes.In Argentina, the phenomenon is on the rise: TV celebrities and native Internet stars already take the juice to their networks.

World champions

When establishing a global ranking, the Kardashian clan is an influencers seedbed.The daughters of Kris Jenner -Iese of the lawyer Robert Kardashian, defender of OJ Simpson- jumped to fame for a reality show and today they are the ones that most invoice on Instagram:

Kilye y Kim, las Kardsashian con más seguidores en Instagram

The other very wanted item is that of musicians and actors, who made their millions of fans in followers.The TOP are:

Finally, athletes also take advantage of the large number of fans who follow them on Instagram.The podium is made up of:

Cristiano Ronaldo es el atleta mejor pago del mundo

In addition to the celebrities, there are also 100% influencers born in the networks and dedicated to themes.Although their fees are more modest.Among the most important are:

In Argentina

The brands have already put their eye on the stars 4.0 Argentinas.While it is a market not yet regulated, they know that audiences are increasingly in the networks.

Por un posteo hay que pagar fortunas: cuánto cobran los famosos por hacer mención de un producto en las redes

"An influencer with 1 million followers can charge $ 80.000 For a commbe of a post and two stories, "reveals Natalia Pereyra, founding partner of Joy Brands, an agency that began licenseing plastic artists and now also connects companies with influencers of several specialties.

However, he remarks that "the negotiations are one by one", since sometimes an influencer "is interested in something particular and appeals to the exchange".And he adds that the most wanted are those that have more than 10.000 followers because "they have the possibility of doing UP in the Stories, to put a link to the company's website or ecommerce".

An important entrepreneur of the sector who preferred the off-the-record, entrusts Iproup: "Prices range between $ 10.000 to $ 100.000, and in many cases they are similar to those of a PNT (non -traditional or 'goat' advertising) of a radio ".

"Long except for restaurants, cars and have even requested helicopter trips," he adds, and adds: "The food is supervised by influencers and celebrities" that "pay" the consumption with a story.

Tini Stoessel es un "must" para las campañas dirigidas a los más jóvenes

The specialist emphasizes that the number of followers is not decisive and that there are different prices also depending on the type of communication that is developed:

Ornella Perretta, Marketing Director of the Donweb Services Company and the Borderío winery, contributes her own experience: "A humorist quoted $ 300.000 for creating content in different posts, while a review (product review) is paid about $ 50.000 ", remarks.

In the tourism field, Agustín Piotto, Marketing and Digital Manager of Club Med Argentina, reveals to Iproup that the firm works "with a direct scheme in which we have contact from the company with the influencer, without any intermediary".

"With the invitation to the experience of Club Med, the influencer is suggested to portray the experience with three stories and a post per day although it is not the end of the invitation.This system allows us to generate more content than we expect, "says the Executive.

Pampita es otro celebrity que buscan las marcas para anunciar en redes

For its part, Noelia Crossari, founder and CEO of Ninch Communication Company, affirms to Iproup that "the cost of performing an activation in networks with an influencer is determined by various variants, such as engagement, scope, the theme he addresses and,Of course, content quality ".

"We recommend doing long -term actions, in which a genuine link and a genuine relationship between influencers and brands are established.This type of scheduled and planned actions probably have a different cost than a One Shot, that is, an isolated promotion ".


When choosing personalities 4.0 that will be part of the campaigns, Piotto points out that "the influencer generally contacts us to promote the product and, after a rigorous analysis of its profile, we define if it is related to ours and the values to travel with us".

In this sense, Crossari says that "to perform an action on social networks there must be match between both parties: both have to choose.We want the influencer to be a user and love the brand or the product and that on the other side they feel identified with the personality, tastes and lifestyle of the influencer ".

An expert in the sector consulted by IProup points out that there are a number of variables to consider before choosing the ideal influencer:

According to the specialist, to get to the mass public the strategy will be to go for celebrities, "to trace and that info reaches many more people".

En este caso, afirma que las opciones más buscadas son Pampita (5,8 millones de seguidores) para el público general; la cantante Tini Stoessel (14,4 millones de seguidores) para enfocarse en los más jóvenes; y Stephanie Demner (1,2 millones) para segmentar en productos de alta gama.

Within the local players, he assures that Fabián Cubero is the most present in the networks."The 'Porto' understood the game, copied and is quite active on Instagram.I did very well when I was with Nicole Neumann and also now with Mica Viciconte, "he reveals.

For its part, the recent Ninch and OH report!Panel makes its own star ranking, dividing them, between:

But not everything is followers.According to Pereyra, "some brands, such as Premium beers choose to work with a large number of influencers with little followers, but organic content, that is natural; that one who has 100.000 and that to the public gives a more artificial feeling ".

Chessari coincides and adds that "the brand's link with each influencer and celebrity is unique", so it advises "to avoid standardizing actions because, they lose credibility and do not conform to the changing needs of business".

With a more "sentimental" arrival and even being an "authorized voice" in some cases, the influencers strengthened as another advertising tool for brands.The new divas of the digital era.

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