A taste? The millionaire celebrities who enjoy collecting art

Throughout history, man has enjoyed creating art to express his feelings or represent the world around him. It is an activity that is born from human creativity and in which we can all participate if we set our minds to it. However, that does not mean that art is available to everyone, since great works by renowned artists are usually reserved for museums or available for millionaire elites to acquire, which is why various celebrities have taken up this 'hobby'.

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Why is art so expensive?

¿Un gustito? Las celebridades millonarias que disfrutan coleccionando arte

Answering this question is complicated, there is a whole system behind the art market that makes it difficult for most artists to be able to sell their work while a minority dominates the market with million-dollar works.

Broadly speaking, art that sells by the millions is so expensive because of its scarcity: The people who buy art decide which artists are worthwhile, which are a tiny group, and because there are so few works available, they are scarce, shooting up prices. prices.

It is also for this reason that many artists achieve fame when they are no longer alive: because they will never make more art again, and their works become limited and at the mercy of the highest bidder.

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Celebrities who collect art
