Women to power: Who is Xiomara Castro First Woman President of Honduras?

Para Cristina Kirchner, la vicepresidenta de Argentina a Xiomara Castro “le espera una tarea difícil, doblemente difícil porque es mujer”, comentó Kirchner en alusión al machismo que impera en la política.
Foto: Agencia EFE

Xiomara Castro forjó su liderazgo encabezando las protestas contra el golpe de Estado que derrocó a su esposo, Manuel Zelaya, en 2009.Thirteen years later, the leftist leader became the first woman to govern Honduras.

“For the first time a woman assumes the Presidency of the Republic after 200 years of being governed only by men (...) I have the commitment to respect women's right, ”said Castro in an interview with the AFP in November.

“Se necesita una mujer que asuma la presidencia y que maneje los fondos con transparencia”, dijo durante su campaña, aludiendo a las acusaciones de corrupción y narcotráfico que penden sobre el presidente saliente, el derechista Juan Orlando Hernández.

Madre de cuatro hijos y abuela, Castro nació en Tegucigalpa, la capital, y se casó a los 16 años.Bachelor of Business Administration, at 62 she is a business woman and directs her farming, dairy farms, woods and crops, along with her husband.

Wear hat and wears denim when it is on the ground.To speak slow but firm, he usually goes to his supporters with a conciliatory tone.

Castro ended a string of right -wing governments since the fall of her husband in 2009. Alcanzó la presidencia en su segundo intento con una coalición liderada por su partido, Libertad y Refundación, mejor conocido como Libre.In the 2013 elections he lost by narrow margin against Hernández.

The "best advisor"

Mujeres al poder: ¿quién es Xiomara Castro primera mujer presidenta de Honduras?

Castro dejó el papel protocolario de primera dama y se lanzó a las calles a defender a su esposo, quien fue derrocado por militares, empresarios y políticos derechistas el 28 de junio de 2009, el último año de su gobierno, luego de que Zelaya se acercara a Hugo Chávez, el entonces presidente de Venezuela, en busca de combustible barato.

For Eugenio Sosa, a sociologist at the National University of Colombia, “I think it has sensitivity to the poor, but the shadow of Zelaya weighs a lot and in Honduran society it can weigh the belief that Zelaya is who is in power behindthrone ”, he declared it to the AFP.For her part, Castro says that, because of her husband's experience, she will have "the best advisor at the presidential house".

On the other hand, for Cristina Kirchner, the vice president of Argentina to Castro "awaits a difficult, doubly difficult task because she is a woman," Kirchner said in reference to machismo that prevails in politics.

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Left position

Castro was accused during his presidential campaign to want to take Honduras to "communism".His proposals such as the legalization of abortion and equal marriage were harshly criticized and discredited.They also use their participation in 2015 in a tribute to Hugo Chávez in Caracas against them.

For Juan Carlos Sikaffy, leader of Honduran businessmen “Doña Xiomara is not‘ Mel ’Zelaya”.We know it for a long time, it is a serious lady.That ideologies are cobweb in the head, ”said the businessman.Regarding this issue, Castro says he proposes a "democratic socialism to Honduran", without imported models.In addition, he has promised the entrepreneurs of this country guarantees for their investments.

Like Bachelet or Mujica

For Raúl Pineda, an analyst and ex -reader of the National Party, Castro's government "is going to be a government more similar to that of Mrs. Michelle Bachelet of Chile or Pepe Mujica, in Uruguay".

For his part, Pepe Mujica, the former Uruguayan president, communicated with Castro through a video.I wish you with all my heart that you have the openness, support, solvency and support necessary to give your people a breath ”.

During the elections, Castro called to overthrow the “narcodictadura” of Juan Orlando Hernández, current president of Honduras, who was indicated by drug trafficking in a United States court, where his brother “Tony” complies with life sentences for that crime.

Castro managed to convince three presidential candidates, who chose to resign from office and join their ranks, including Salvador Nasralla, congressman of the Salvador de Honduras party, PSH, who accompanies her in the vice presidency.

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The agreement he agreed with Nasralla to renounce his candidacy was to offer him the vice presidential position and allow the congressman's party, PSH, to choose the leader of the Honduran Parliament.However, this alliance was not liked by several deputies belonging to Castro's party, the Free Party, who in retaliation nominated another candidate for this same position.

This generated a shock within the Honduran Congress, since Castro decided to swear in the candidate who already had established for the position.There are currently two leaders of Parliament in Honduras, which has become the first crisis facing the president.

For Manuel Zelaya, who is the former president of Honduras and his partner "Xiomara is a sweet, strong woman", the couple has been together for more than four decades.

“She accompanied me incredibly because without her support I could not have reached the presidency.And so is destiny, now I accompany it, ”said the former president.

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