These shoes are prohibited if you have column problems

According to Arturo Guerra, a traumatologist specializing in spine, there are currently shoes with new designs that are not necessarily ergonomic for the patient.So the key to buying the correct pair is to verify the comfort to carry out the activities for the purposes for which they are looking for them.

If it is for daily use, you should consider whether your work implies standing or walking all the time;Similarly, if what you are looking for is the right footwear to exercise, you must specifically define what exercises you will do to protect your column and knees.

How to know what kind of footwear avoid?

In general, since it is the spine, the footwear should not give any problem in patients, expresses war, rather than some discomfort in the feet.However, if you use a certain type of shoes you feel discomfort in your back and frequent pain, it will be best to avoid them.

In children

In addition to the situations in which it will use them, the footwear will also depend on the age of the person, says Juan Jorge García, orthopedist traumatologist.Childhood is a stage in which thick psychomotor skills begin to be developed, so, to facilitate its movements, it will need an ergonomic footwear.‘Tennis is recommended because of its characteristics of being light and flexible, as well as having a reinforced talonera’, adds.


Garcia also says that, in women over 45, it is advisable to use a heel of no more than 5 centimeters, to be square or run.According to war, this is because, using very high heels, increases the load in the column, as it throws the weight towards the front and its prolonged use can cause back pain.

Estos zapatos están prohibidos si tiene problemas de columna

Although, generally, the needle heel should not cause a problem, when witnessing pain, it could be a sign that there is a major problem and it is important to go with specialist doctors.

Flat shoes

Without a doubt, this type of footwear is not the most appropriate, especially if you have column problems.It is advisable that your shoes have a slight heel that allows you to distribute the weight between the heel and the metatarsal region.

According to Garcia, we know that the flat shoe (or with little sole) is causing us discomfort when we feel pain in the heel.‘By frequently using this type of footwear, the tension in the Achilles tendon and the plantar fascia increases, causing certain pathologies such as Achilles tendinitis,’ he explains, he explains.

What characteristics should your shoes have?

When buying your shoes, take into account the activities you will do with them and if you will really feel comfort when using them.Remember that it is important that these have damping to avoid back pain.To better adapt the footwear to your needs, war adds, there are the templates available in the market.

You must also remember that the fastening of the foot is one of the functions of the footwear, so you should avoid shoes that do not hold them correctly, since this will maintain an incorrect posture and make a muscle overexertion with the sole of the foot of the foot.

Garcia adds that, beyond the footwear you use, it is important that you maintain the ideal weight and to perform stretching and strengthening exercises, which are key to keep your feet, ankles, knees and hip well.

Guerra recommends that Williams and McKenzi perform daily, which ‘will help you have an adequate column, an adequate, strengthened muscles and not give us pain’.

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