These are the eight digital skills that any autonomous must have to multiply the benefits of your business

Digitization has gone from being an option for business, to be a basic need for survival.In just twenty years, more than 90% of the economy will be digital, and those self -employed and small businesses that have not acquired sufficient competitions so that their business stands out on the network, sooner or later, they will have problems.

Although it is increasing.In fact, what is demanded today by companies and what differentiates businesses from their competence is the knowledge and ability to use these digital tools to generate added value and highlight on competition.

“With the democratization of new technologies, it is increasingly complicated to be up to date on the work environment, especially because of the constant evolution experienced by business fabric.That is why acquiring skills that focus on the digital environment is essential for your company to stand out, ”said Hermel Balcázar, CEO of Aicad Business School.

Therefore, the training and digital learning offered by some business schools such as Aicad Business School is as important.The school offers training through masters and courses - in many free cases for self -employed and SMEs - in order to form them to generate added value and make a difference.Next, AICAD summarizes the eight basic digital skills that any autonomous should have to highlight on competition and multiply its benefits.

The eight competences that the self -employed must have and enhance

1.Digital knowledge

This capacity allows the professional to provide added value to the company and grants the virtue of increasing the possibility of innovation, adaptation and knowledge of the environment, which helps them anticipate the changes.

Digital knowledge is undoubtedly one of the main capacities that a digital professional must have, and that brings important benefits for the company, such as:

two.Information management

Information management is the ability to identify, locate, recover, store, organize and analyze digital information.This implies the treatment of information in a practical and effective way, at any time and place, with the confidence that it is of quality and reliable.

It is a competition that allows the company to generate knowledge, develop business intelligence, enable innovation, help create and position the brand and improve processes efficiency.

3.Digital communication

 Estas son las ocho competencias digitales que debe tener cualquier autónomo para multiplicar los beneficios de su negocio

It is the ability to communicate, share resources, connect, relate and collaborate with other professionals through the use of digital tools.Communication in digital environments is easy to use and beneficial, allows the professional to be able to participate in events and conversations, generate corporate communications, be present in social networks and collaborative spaces of interest, as well as maintain professional contacts.

It is a competition that contributes to the company:

Knowing the market and customers implies having dived deeply in their essences and being able to synthesize and analyze: its structure, its characteristics and their conditions.

Making the company more productive and efficient must be a priority in the strategy.

The positioning attributes not only concrete benefits to the organization, but also the difference from competition and is a reinforcement so that their products and services are present in the minds of consumers.

Knowledge management is essential in all types of companies.Everything that is shared is visible in the experience of continuous learning, which interests that it is common in all people and work teams.

It is identified as reputational risk to which companies are exposed when their prestige or corporate image can be damaged.

4.Continuous learning

It refers to the professional's ability to automatically regulate your learning continuously and manage your knowledge.You have to understand that the digital framework evolves continuously and quickly.The professional must remain in constant training in order to provide the company with a permanent evolution and improvement.

It is a competition that allows the company to improve efficiency, it is modernized, to increase competitiveness in the market, exchange, reduce the costs of training and favor innovation.

5.Strategic vision

The strategic vision of the business refers to the ability to prevent market changes.It is the ability to understand what we can get from the digital environment and include it in the company's project strategy.The professional must be able to have a digital vision and include new strategies, to generate innovative ideas that contribute value to the company and play visionary role to find new business opportunities.

The strategic vision contributes to the company:

• Motivation in the organization

Labor motivation refers to the ability of a company to keep its employees involved to favor maximum performance and achieve the business objectives set by the organization.

• Orient and make sense of daily work

Having clear and defined strategies allows the work team to be perfectly oriented, to have clear the tasks to be performed, the functions that must be carried out and well defined by the roles to perform.

• Open business opportunities

One of the most difficult tasks for a professional is to identify business opportunities to get ahead of competition and innovate.

• Orienta towards excellence to the organization

Organizations that have greater operational control are the most likely to achieve the challenge offered by business excellence.

• Favor the sustainability of the organization

Sustainability focuses on satisfying the needs of the interest groups with which it is related: template, customers, suppliers, shareholders and community.To generate a positive impact on its environment on the economic, social and environmental spheres.

6.Network leadership

A professional must possess the power to be a trained leader to assume leadership and correctly guide his work team, when he is distributed in a network anywhere in the world and in digital environments.

The team leader is a figure of vital importance, it must increase their self -knowledge and self -consciousness to be the person who possesses the ability to guide the entire team to work to achieve a common goal, encouraging them at all times.

Network leadership capacity provides:


The work of the network professional is essential and, therefore, it must be trained to work, collaborate and cooperate in digital environments with other professionals and teams.When a company encourages the development of network work, it adds the knowledge that each of its members possesses, improving the circulation of information and making it possible to learn from each other.The ability to work on the networks one of the key skills, since it allows the self -employed:

When working in network, spaces are generated where you can share as a team not only work, but also the achievements, ideas and concerns.The wealth that difference and diversity provides, which undoubtedly favors the possibility of having more creative solutions must also be assessed.The whole is more than the sum of the parts.

8.Customer orientation

This is the ability to know, understand, interact, interact and meet the needs of the network client.In customer orientation, the position of thinking about the development of the business and its entire securities chain is adopted, making the complete tour of the company's offer and services with the customer vision, in order to verify if possiblefulfill their expectations and, in addition, provide added values to overcome them.Customer orientation is a permanent attitude to detect and meet the particular needs and priorities of each client.

Why are these eight competencies translated into benefits?

According to Aicad, possessing this knowledge makes the difference between an autonomous get 10 new customers, 100 or 1.000.Nor is it the same to take 15 minutes to make a management or 5, so this is an increase in productivity and efficiency.

Therefore, these types of formations focus on five key goals.First, know what the student's digital skills are.Second, dominate the digital skills that a professional requires.Third, understand why they are necessary and, in this way, to adapt the changes and advantages produced in the work environment.Fourth, generate working methods based on digital tools and, fifth and more important, to train to be competent in digital work.
