How to grow hair with castor oil

2 comentarios
Por Beatriz Ruiz. Actualizado: 5 agosto 2021

Cruster oil is obtained from the fruits of the ricino plant (Ricinus communis), through its pressing and refinement.It is a perennial leaf plant that belongs to the euphorbiaceae family and that is originally from central Africa, although it is currently grown in many regions with warm climates.This liquid was traditionally used as a medicinal remedy for the treatment of various ailments and conditions.

In addition, due to its various properties, this oil is also used for aesthetic purposes, especially for hair growth and growth.If you want to know how to grow the hair with step by step oil, in this ancomo article we tell you how to make a mask and how to use it to achieve long hair with the castor.

También te puede interesar: Aceites para hacer crecer el cabello
  2. Hair castor oil mask
  3. How to apply cool oil in the hair to grow


Before knowing how to grow hair with castor oil, you must know what the properties of this oil are.Thus, you will make sure that it is completely safe for your hair and, not only that, but, in addition to favoring hair growth, it has many other benefits.These are the uses of halk oil in the hair:

Now that you know what a halter oil in your hair is, you may be interested in these beauty tricks with castor oil or what are the cosmetic benefits of castor oil.

Hair castor oil mask

Cómo hacer crecer el cabello con aceite de ricino

To grow hair with castor oil, it is not usually applied alone.Many people wonder if you can cast a kid oil in the shampoo, but it is best to prepare a mask with other ingredients to improve its texture and complete its action.These are the ingredients you will need:

If you already have the ingredients of the castor oil mask, you just have to follow the following steps for its elaboration:

  1. Echar en un bol o recipiente 3 cucharadas de aceite ricino, 1 cucharada de aceite de jojoba y otra de manteca o aceite de coco. Tanto la jojoba como el coco cuentan con propiedades que estimulan el crecimiento del cabello y, además, hidratan nuestro cuero cabelludo en profundidad.
  2. Añade a la mezcla 2 ó 3 gotas de aceite esencial de menta. Lo utilizamos para darle un olor más agradable al remedio, ya que el ricino suele tener mal olor. Si no te gusta la menta, puedes añadirle otros aceites aromáticos como aceite de romero, árbol de té, etc.
  3. Vierte, con la ayuda de un colador, toda la mezcla a un tarro de cristal que tenga disponga de una tapa de cierre. Cuando esté bien cerrado, agítalo durante unos minutos para que quede todo bien mezclado.
  4. Ahora, llena el bol de antes con agua muy caliente y mete el tarro cerrado dentro de él. Asegúrate de que el agua no tenga más ni la misma altura que el tarro: si le entra el agua, la mezcla ya no servirá de nada. Deja que el aceite se caliente durante 2-4 minutos
  5. Cuando el aceite se haya calentado, échalo en un bol de tinte o en una botella con gotero para que la aplicación sea más fácil.

In addition to castor oil, there are other products to extend hair, such as coconut oil.If you prefer, check out this other article on how to grow hair with coconut oil.

How to apply cool oil in the hair to grow

We already know how to make the mask, so we are ready to learn how to grow the hair with castor oil.You just have to follow these steps:

  1. Antes de su aplicación, debes humedecer el cuero cabelludo, por ejemplo, con un spray relleno de agua tibia.
  2. Coge un poco de mascarilla con tus dedos y masajea esta zona del cabello con el aceite de ricino durante 3 ó 5 minutos. Debes hacer movimientos suaves en forma de círculos.
  3. Ahora aplica el aceite por todo el cabello. Vuelve a mojarte un poco las manos en la mezcla y, luego, introduce tus dedos en el pelo, como si lo estuvieras peinando.
  4. Cuando hayas terminado de aplicar por todo el cabello, cúbrelo con un gorro de ducha y, luego, envuélvelo todo con una toalla mojada en agua muy caliente.
  5. Esperar desde 30 minutos a 3 horas o, incluso, puedes dormir con el turbante puesto. Una vez pasado el tiempo, retira bien todo el aceite y lava tu cabello de la forma habitual.

And how long should I use the hair of hair like hair?To make this remedy effective, you must use it 1 and 2 times a week.The treatment can be as long as you want, depending on what your goal is and how long your hair grows with castor oil.

That's all how to grow hair with castor oil.If you have doubts, you can also take a look at this other article on how to use haircut oil.

If you want to read more articles similar to how to grow hair with castor oil, we recommend that you enter our category of beauty and personal care.
