First results of the census: there are 2.5 million economic units

De ese total, 2,1 millones de unidades fueron identificadas como establecimientos fijos; 240.044 as homes in which economic activities are also carried out;and 17.124 as works under construction.In the absence of knowing the latest data from Buenaventura and some ethnic territories where the entity found problems, these are the results of the count. Una vez completado ese 0,4 por ciento que está pendiente, lo que sigue será la divulgación de los datos a través de una plataforma de georreferenciación en la que se mostrará la dinámica económica de cada municipio: cuántas empresas hay, de qué tipo y en qué sectores están.El conteo de las unidades económicas va a ser útil para los alcaldes y gobernadores porque va a permitir conocer la dinámica empresarial de cada lugar”, indicó el director del Dane, Juan Daniel Oviedo.Between September and October it will continue with an experimental census.Later, an application will be developed that allows censors to incorporate qualitatively the activities carried out by each economic unit;And finally, it is expected that between August and November 2022 the economic census will be carried out.(We recommend reading: Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean: a new association for the future) In this last stage, the personnel in charge will return door to each establishment to carry out an in -depth questionnaire.They will be known from basic details such as domicile, the company name or the operation time to others such as the income, number and characteristics of employees, among others.Con todo ello, se podrá tener una fotografía completa de la dinámica empresarial en el país hacia el primer trimestre de 2023.Remember that in Colombia a national economic census was not carried out for three decades.The only one was that of 1991 and after that date there have been statistical operations but only at the regional level.Among the last are that of Barranquilla and Soledad (2002) and that of Cali (2005).In addition, this is the first time in which the entity takes into account both the counting of formal units and the informal units.For the latter, you have to know that there are three types of informality: to have a registration in the Chamber of Commerce, have an operating license and pay social security.Según determinó ANIF hace varios años, la economía informal pesa alrededor de 33 por ciento del PIB en el país; sin embargo, hasta ahora no hay estudios de ninguna entidad que muestren la radiografía completa de la informalidad en Colombia.Regarding the budget required for the operation, Oviedo said that in this first stage they had a budget allocation but that they will seek more resources for next year by 283.063 million pesos.(Also: I abade the subsidies to the companies that hire young people) As for their usefulness, the former director of the Dane, Jorge Bustamante, said that it is complex to carry out an analysis due to the situation."There is no comparison as there is no previous source. Además, en medio de la pandemia y de los cierres se clausuraron negocios caseros, comerciales, informales, ambulantes, etc. Por ello, puede haber una subrepresentación”, sostuvo.

Los centros empresariales

Con una cobertura de 99,66 por ciento, las tres ciudades con mayor número de unidades económicas registradas son Bogotá, Medellín y Cali.These add 719.800 businesses, which represents 27.81 percent of the country's total.In the capital 452 were identified.861 establecimientos, un 54 por ciento más de lo que los censistas esperaban encontrar.In Medellín there are 136.168 units (54 percent more than projected) and in Cali identified 130.771 (88 percent more).Then cities like Barranquilla appear, which is 69.139 establishments;Cúcuta, with 60.883;and Bucaramanga, with 57.426.They are also Cartagena, Villavicencio and Ibagué, with 48.535, 44.023 and 40.262, respectively.(Además: Departamentos que resistieron más el covid, y los más golpeados)Al contrario, entre las 25 ciudades con mayor dinamismo empresarial, Yopal es la que tiene un menor número de unidades económicas, con 15.174 registered.There is also Barrancabermeja, with 9.907.It should be noted that the Dane found more commercial establishments than they expected in all cities.In Pasto (126 percent), Palmira (122 percent) and Soledad (99 percent) was where they found the biggest difference.

Más establecimientos fijos

Primeros resultados del censo: hay 2,5 millones de unidades económicas

Con corte al 26 de mayo, se puede decir que el 82,62 por ciento de las unidades son establecimientos fijos.Then, there are homes that have an economic activity (9.28 percent);mobile stalls (4 percent);Semi -final establishments (3.44 percent) and construction works (0.66 percent).By departments, in all a greater presence of fixed establishments is maintained;followed by homes with economic activity, except for Bogotá where the second position is for mobile stalls;And in Boyacá, Cauca and Vaupés for the semi -infences.Por ejemplo, de los 452.861 establishments found in Bogotá, 402.521 (88,8 por ciento) son fijos, 25.608 (5.65 percent) are mobile positions and 12.622 are homes with economic activities (2.79 percent).Behind are 10.636 semi -fixed establishments and there are 1.474 economic units in construction works.In total, in the country there are 17.124 economic units in construction works.With 2.167, in Antioquia is where they are most;followed by Nariño, with 1.882;Bogotá, with 1.474;and Valle del Cauca, with 1.220.(Además: Pensionados tienen plazo hasta el 30 para actualizar RUT: cómo hacerlo)Frente a las viviendas con actividades económicas, resalta que hay más en el Valle del Cauca, seguido de Antioquia y Norte de Santander.For its part, where there are more mobile positions is in Bogotá, Antioquia, Valle del Cauca, Atlantic and Santander.

Lidera el comercio

Data distribution shows that the trade sector prevails in all departments. En total, en el país hay 1,2 millones de establecimientos de este tipo.For example, 51.23 percent of Bogotá.It is followed by the services, industry, transport and construction sector.

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