Inspections in La Rioja on rural working conditions

As it does every week, the UATRE (Argentine Union of Rural Workers and Stevedores) carried out an inspection in a rural establishment in order to verify that the workers are in the conditions established by the Agrarian Work Regime .

A few days ago, the regional delegate of UATRE La Rioja, Raúl Muga, together with the general secretary of section 395, Omar Cedrón, carried out an inspection on a farm located on National Route 75 Huanco-Sanagasta, The Rioja.

Accompanied by the Ministry of Labor, Hygiene and Safety of the Province; of the Delegate of RENATRE de la Rioja, Emilio Roqué and the inspector Silvio Zárate, the members of the union filed a claim for irregularities.

According to the union representatives, at the farm they were able to verify that the company failed to comply with the delivery of Work Clothes corresponding to 2021. The employees, according to Resolution No. 73 of September 21, 2017 of the CNTA, should have received at least two changes of clothes to work.

Inspections in La Rioja on the conditions of rural work

Due to failure to comply with the obligation, the union urged the company to deliver (2) shirts, two (2) pants, one (1) hat, one (1) pair of boots and one (1) ) fleece collar, which was to be delivered in the months of March and April 2021. In turn, the company must also deliver the changes corresponding to the summer season that were to be delivered between September and October and these include: two (2) Shirts , two (2) pants, One (1) hat, and one (1) pair of boots.

Consulted by El Agrario, the Delegate of UATRE La Rioja, Raúl Muga, assured that the work of the delegation under his charge remains firm and constant but they face many difficulties in carrying out structural changes in the living conditions of workers .

In this sense, the union referent explained that the sections that make up the delegation carry out daily inspections and report irregularities when they are detected. However, these complaints usually find an obstacle in the courts since employers, despite being judicially intimidated, do not appear before the court.

If this note interested you, we suggest you read: 27 rural workers with signs of labor exploitation detected
