Espartero expires the Carlists in Luchana - December 25, 1836 - Zenda

On December 25, 1836, General Espartero, at the head of Elizabethan troops, defeated the Carlist army in Luchana.A few hours after Bilbao entered, thus breaking the siege he had been suffering from the city since the end of October.

Who fought in the first Carlist war?

Between 1833 and 1840 a civil war known as the First Carlist War took place in Spain, in which the Isabelinos faced - also called Cristinos - who defended the right to the throne of Fernando VII's daughter, Isabel II, and the regencyof her mother, María Cristina de Borbón, with the Carlists, who did not accept a woman as queen of the country and were in favor of crowning the infant Carlos María Isidro de Borbón.

"Carlos María no reconoció a Isabel como Princesa de Asturias, tampoco aceptó que su madre María Cristina fuese regente a la muerte de Fernando VII"

Thanks to the pragmatic sanction of Carlos IV, if there was no male offspring, the throne could be occupied by a woman.This law was approved and repealed several times;Fernando VII denied her when he fell seriously ill, but restored it when he recovered from his ailments.Carlos María did not recognize Isabel as Princess of Asturias, also did not accept that her mother María Cristina was regent at the death of Fernando VII.The promulgation by the Infante of the Manifesto of Abrantes caused the beginning of the first Carlist war, a war confrontation that was also the struggle between the tradition that Carlos represented - with strong support in Castile, first, and then in the Basque Country and Navarra - andModerate absolutism - which later evolved to Liberal Positions - of Isabel.

Who was General Espartero?

The Carlist offensive began in the territories where he had more affinity, in the north and in Catalonia.His tried to get to the capital failed and had to retreat.Between 1835 and 1837, the Carlists lose places and it is at that time when the battle of Luchana occurs, a lost opportunity for the supporters of the infant to take Bilbao.From that moment on, the movement is fragmented, a faction promotes an agreement, but the toughest refused to accept the Bergara agreement.

"Su fuerte carácter y su humilde procedencia le generaron muchas enemistades en ese convulso momento de la historia de España"

Espartero vence a los carlistas en Luchana - 25 de diciembre de 1836 - Zenda

Among the Elizabetla troops, a military man as a great winner of this first Carlist war, General Espartero stands out.Joaquín Baldomero Fernández-Sparter Álvarez de Toro was a key character for Victoria Cristina;He received numerous titles and became viceroy of Navarra.He went to cure, but changed the habits for weapons.I fight in the New World, and although he did not participate in the famous Battle of Ayacucho, his men were known as the "ayacuchos".Since the death of Fernando VII was a firm defender of the succession rights of Isabel II, but did not cease in his liberal effort and got Cristina to cease in her regency to be able to advance in the changes.His strong character and his humble origin generated many enmity at that convulsive moment in the history of Spain.He had to exile in London, and on his return he resumed power during the "progressive biennium".After O'Donnell's coup he retired to Logroño.It was in Italian, Amadeo de Savoya, who gave him his last title, Prince of Vergara.

Other historical ephemeris of December 25

On December 25, 800, Emperor Carlomagno was crowned in the Basilica of San Pedro de Rome.

On December 25, 1000 was crowned Esteban I.This fact was the birth of the kingdom of Hungary.

On December 25, 1833, infant Carlos María Isidro de Borbón was proclaimed king with the name of Carlos V.

On December 25, 1926 Prince Hirohito became Emperor of Japan.

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