Meat School continues to grow and release technicatures on its tenth anniversary

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Escuela Carne, que dio sus primeros pasos en Montevideo y hoy tiene presencia internacional, cumple 10 años en este 2022. Para dar un paso más y continuar fortaleciendo su trayectoria, lanza seis tecnicaturas: moda, marketing y comunicación, música y sonido, audiovisual, diseño y comunicación visual, y fotografía.

Esteban García, director y fundador de Carne, contó que si bien en estos años la propuesta creció y se transformó -comenzó con un solo curso una vez por semana y hoy en día cuenta con decenas- su sello distintivo sigue siendo el mismo: “La escuela significa 'en carne propia' y da la posibilidad aprender trabajando”, destacó.

In 2012, Garcia - after working in Central America and teaching in Uruguay - created a “school to which he would have liked to go” that is not only in Uruguay today but in other countries such as Nicaragua, Bolivia and Ecuador, and planscontinue extending.“It is an honor that a person from another country entrusted to the point of buying the brand.The fact of having been able to take school to other cities is a sign that we are doing things well because they see what we do, how we do it, see philosophy and like it, ”he explained. Carne tiene una gran cantidad de cursos de diversas temáticas y para este año apostaron a las tecnicaturas, en las que agruparon diversos talleres vinculados a cada área.The main objective is to improve the offer and provide the student with comprehensive and more organized training."The objective is to take another step.Order and enhance the time and training of each student at school, ”added its director.

Escuela Carne sigue creciendo y lanza tecnicaturas en su décimo aniversario

For these technicatures, the school proposes three courses per semester and having classes three times a week throughout the year.Each course, Garcia said, would cost around $ 2.000, a lower price than to take it separately “this new product at approximately $ 6.000 per month, ”he said.To access them there are no age requirements: "The school is open," Garcia said.The classes are face -to -face in Montevideo, in their home located in obligatory that this year is experiencing an aesthetic reform, but there is also the possibility of attending the courses online, via zoom, in order to be present throughout the country.Meat, which covers all branches of art, points to a 20% theoretical education and 80% practice.In turn, classes are decontracted.“I try to generate spaces designed to learn and not to teach, where the teacher has no chair, but sits next.The essence, and the name of the school is to practice with the people who dedicate themselves to these areas, with professionals "and do it" in their own flesh ".Its director emphasizes the idea that in the school "you learn" and, in addition, "it is graduated by showing what was done".This is because at the end of the courses there is a sample in which all areas are mixed.
