The elevations will not make you look taller, but more clumsy.

La normalidad es siempre algo relativo. Décadas de catálogos y pasarelas protagonizadas por escandinavos de metro noventa y estructura ósea a prueba de oversize han generado la impresión de que el hombre contemporáneo es naturalmente alto. Y, sin embargo, los espejos de muchos hombres dicen lo contrario. La estadística sostiene que el español medio mide 173 centímetros, una cifra que, como todas las medias, ejerce como límite psicológico para la frustración. Por ello no está mal recordar que Mark Wahlberg, Lil Wayne, Dustin Hoffman, Tom Cruise, Seth Green, Daniel Radcliffe, Usher o Elijah Wood miden menos y reivindican un modo consciente de sacar partido a su estatura. Aquí le proponemos algunos consejos para obtener los máximos resultados sin recurrir a tacones ni potros de torturaLas alzas no te harán parecer más alto sino más torpe Las alzas no te harán parecer más alto sino más torpe

1. Be careful with accessories: too large a clock or a larger belt buckle than normal can generate an undesirable contrast effect. Bet on subtlety.

2. Stick to a single tone: it is the key to achieving an elongation of the figure. Dark tones are more recommended than light tones, and more or less homogeneous chromatic palettes provide a better look than the contrast between very different tones. That is, bet on variations of the same color.

Las alzas no te harán parecer más alto sino más torpe

3. Let colors balance you: in a good look, colors are not interchangeable. If you decide to mix a dark garment with a light garment, let the light always be above the dark one. That is, combining a blue marine pants with a white shirt is much more advisable than doing the same with a light pants and a dark shirt.

4. Can you wear vertical motifs without looking like a Tim Burton character? Do it: and this applies both to the patterns of shirts and jackets (better vertical than horizontal stripes) and to the visual effects generated by the overlay of layers, a very interesting trick. Try combining a shirt with a shirt and a jacket. If you leave the last two unbuttoned, the result is a set of vertical stripes that stylize and make you look taller.

5. Remember that the spikes, shoulder pads, and wide shoes are not your friends, tell you those who tell you: the greatest challenge of a short height is not height, but proportions, so Don't play with them. Wearing tall shoes or heel boots will not make you look taller, but more clumsy. Lucir hat is a test only suitable for very sure men of your style. And be careful of the hobbit effect that can produce too elongated shoes (usually happens with buckle shoes).

6. Keep everything in a small size: to maintain a harmonious look, reduce the proportions of certain details: a tie or narrower lapels, a slightly shorter jacket, or a shirt cuffs that appear only a few millimeters up the sleeve of the American will avoid undesirable effects. If you choose prints, make them small.

7. Think high, not wide: neither the wide pants, nor the shorts, nor the short-sleeved shirts will help to make up for your height, but to accentuate it. We Don't expect you to go all day in cigarettes, but you do want to spend enough time trying different cuts and adjustments to choose carefully carved garments.
