6 characteristics that the perfect medical uniform must meet

Guaranteeing proper care for patients is one of the basic principles of all health professional.At the same time, the characteristics of work in hospitals and clinics must also be contemplated where the extensive days are common.All of that implies to think of aspects that may seem irrelevant but that are actually of great importance as the medical uniform.

In that sense, you know very well that carrying adequate clothing within health centers is a mandatory requirement.It also also has a direct impact on the image you project to transmit security to others.

Protection for doctors and patients

In addition, the outfit must meet certain elementary characteristics such as protecting and avoiding the spread of infections in clinical spaces.The greater the protection offers, the more security there will be for patients and doctors.

An investigation from the University of Michigan discovered that patients usually judge doctors based on their outfit at the time of consultation.According to the responses of four thousand 062 interviewees, more than one third considers that the garments influence their satisfaction of health care when they go to an office or hospital.

6 características que debe cumplir el uniforme médico perfecto

For the aforementioned, carrying a casual clothing generates distrust compared to doctors who wear formal clothing and scrubs.In this regard, there was no differentiation of responses regarding the sex of the personnel: they are observations that operate for all equally.

How should be a medical uniform

In addition, the medical uniform have great marketing potential and closeness with patients if they are used in different colors, usually depending on the specialization area.Apart from facilitating identification and classification, they give identity and sense of belonging to workers who will look and dedicated.

According to MR BON, Mexican Scrubs brand, these are the main characteristics that this clothing must meet, which is increasingly diversified in attractive colors and designs without sacrificing professionalism.

  1. Lo primordial es que debe ofrecer una barrera eficaz ante patógenos, lo que significa reducir el riesgo de infección o de alojar contaminantes como bacterias y otros microorganismos, evitando que entren en contacto con la piel.
  2. Deben permitir un lavado fácil, pues en sus actividades los médicos, camilleros y personal de enfermería están propensos a salpicaduras y fluidos como agua o sangre. Además también deben de absorber la humedad y proteger al profesional de la salud contra malos olores.
  3. Deben ser cómodos para que el personal pueda sobrellevar mejor sus largas jornadas laborales, por lo que se recomienda que el diseño sea suave, elástico, transpirable y resistente al mismo tiempo.
  4. Debe ser profesional y fomentar la confianza. De acuerdo con una encuesta de la Universidad Médica de Carolina del Sur, la seguridad que los pacientes atribuyen a los médicos se asocia significativamente con su apariencia por la vestimenta profesional, destacando por orden de importancia: bata blanca, scrub, vestimenta de negocios y ropa informal.
  5. Los pacientes se sienten con más confianza de compartir sus problemas de salud con el médico que visita si la imagen que proyecta es profesional, limpia y refleja un estilo propio.
  6. Además, como lo muestra otro estudio, la vestimenta especializada puede funcionar como una herramienta eficaz de comunicación no verbal para construir empatía y establecer una buena relación médico-paciente.