The trick to iron costs you less and the clothes are like new

Making the laundry is sometimes one of the most tedious domestic tasks.To extend the useful life of our clothes it is important to take care of how and with what we wash it, in addition to doing it as delicate as possible.Once the garments are clean and dry to look perfect, it touches one of the 'penance' of the first world: iron.To make the most bearable drink and at the same time take care of your clothes you must take into account a series of tips.

There is a key moment to facilitate the task of passing the iron: to get it out of the washing machine.When you get your clothes you have to give you a "blows" in the air.Stretching everything you can at the time of tending it and shaking it will make your garments much less wrinkled.You can also facilitate ironing a focus of heat more or less close to clothes.If for example you tend the shirt in the bathroom during the shower prior to leave home you will get wrinkles.

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Several cleaning experts recommend putting inside the water that you put inside the plate (with which you get the steam) small pearls of softener.What are you going to get with that?That the clothes are softer and therefore be better plans and that smells like new.But there is even more.If you want you to be even more smooth you can tend it in the bathroom when you are showering: so you will get better.

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Ironing is not a pleasant task for almost anyone (although there are people who like it), but you have to do it.And that is why we offer you every day in our decoration section a whole series of tricks that you can carry out in your day to day and that will help you keep your home in an easier and faster way.It is clear that we have less time to do home tasks and that is why it is important to save certain habits that are not necessary or, instead, reinforce others that are and that will take you a little less time.Buying is the key.
