'Plant Based': This is the ‘boom’ of food that advocates sustainability

We are going to mark a 'spoiler alert' from the beginning: in a few moments you are going to run into a succession of figures, but nothing like a little pop culture to digest numbers and data and data.Jessica Alba, Kim Kardashian and ArlyWe have warned, huh?), These are the causes we wanted to investigate about the food 'Green'.

A report carried out by Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and Blue Horizon points out that in 2023, the alternatives created based on plants will match the price, texture and flavor to normal meat and that in 2035, 90% of themost popular dishes in the world will have their vegetable variant without losing the flavor.In the last 500 years, man has led to the disappearance of 680 species of vertebrates, while one million species of animals and plants are in danger of extinction.In the last 25 years, a forested surface equivalent to the territory of India and biodiversity has been deforested in which our food systems are supported, something that endangers the future of our food, our health and the environment.According to data from the latest report by the consultant Lantern, 'The Green Revolution, 2021', the 'veggie' movement, formed by flexitarian, vegetarian and vegan people, has more than 1.4 million people who bet onThis diet.Currently, 13% of the Spanish adult population is already part of this group.

Ditte Isager

All these data are those that have made the ‘Green’ industry begin to open a hole.Animal agriculture is responsible for 15 % of greenhouse gas emissions, and experts point out that unless we give a radical turn to our diets by moving away from the meat, we will be unable to save the planet.Studies confirm that consumers are increasing.But since we do not want to stay only in the numbers (we are of letters, ok?!), We have asked various experts about how the 'Green' alternatives can contribute to stop the effects of the meat industry and of course, if reallyAlternatives to traditional 'plant-base code can really match (or even overcome) their flavor.Ah, and as a gift, we have asked them to prepare an alternative for this Christmas, let's enjoy code snacks ‘Green’.

Is it possible to bet on sustainability without rejecting meat?

David I lacked, CEO of Biogran, explains that the concept 'plant-base and sustainability usually go hand inamount of greenhouse gases compared to the production of agriculture.“However, it should be noted that not everything vegan is sustainable or healthy, since there are ultra -processed vegan products and with low nutritional ingredients.Therefore, it is key to bet on ecological food that is essential to protect the environment and biodiversity.Organic farming should be based on ecological life systems and cycles that respect the natural times of each plant, in addition to working and adjusting to them and helping them preserve them, ”he warns.


We also speak with Bernat Añaños, co -founder of Heura, who has recently launched the sausage and sausage hera.He points out that although we can be more sustainable in different ways when each consumption decision linked to an impact and values, the land of food is key.“A change in food can have a great positive impact, since it is something that almost 8 billion people do three times a day.In fact, a study by the University of Oxford concluded that stop consuming meat and dairy products we could reduce our individual carbon footprint by up to 73%.So, without a doubt, moving on to a 'plant-based.

Flax & Kale

'Plant based': así es el ‘boom’ de la alimentación que aboga por la sostenibilidad

El propósito de Flax & Kale, que acaba de lanzar la gama de carnes y quesos 'plant-based', es contribuir a un mundo más sano, feliz y sostenible a través de la alimentación.After more than 40 years working in this direction, today they explain what it really means to talk about sustainable food.“For us it is one in which the products that are marketed in the market use packaging and packaging that try to reduce the impact that plastics can have of only one use or other typology, but it is also that whose ingredients that are used in the fieldThey continue principles of regenerative agriculture or that which is committed to a diet much more based on plants.The current global livestock management is one of the most polluting industries that exist in terms of CO2 and in terms of energy abuse throughout the process. Además, la alimentación sostenible no es solo aquella que tiene muy en cuenta el origen de los productos, como el 'plant-based', sino también la que utiliza tablas limpias, es decir, con ingredientes reales y naturales y cuyas tablas nutricionales están diseñadas pensando no solo en el valor organoléptico sino también en la salud de las personas”, indica Jordi Barri, CEO de Flax & Kale.

How is it that the flavors of the food ‘plants’ are so similar to those of the meat?

Did you know that Kim Kardashian always travels with Beyond Meat products to make sure wherever I go, can you follow your food ‘plants’?“She has no cholesterol, something that is madness if you compare it with real flesh.In addition, it has a third of saturated fats than traditional meat.It is an 'plant-based alternative that looks like the meat and that knows meat, ”he explained in a video in which he prepares tacos with the products of the well-known brand.The entrepreneur uses her Instagram 'stories' to communicate to her millions of followers how delicious the' plant-based alternatives that it includes in her diet.Of course, although their words have changed the mentality of many people, there are still many people who distrust these foods.Can a ‘plant-base’ product really know how meat?

Maria Sainz Cabezali

Biagran has always been clear that the consumer should not give up the flavor, so in the last quarter they have launched two new hamburgers with bio pea protein.For his part Bernat Añaños, co -founder of Heura, points out that thanks to the fact that the 'R & D' team not only works to get the flavors, but the complete meat experience, as well as the most sustainable and nutritious possible. Flax & Kale también atribuye al equipo de 'I+D' el sabor de sus productos.“Under the conviction that eating healthy and based on vegetable protein does not have to be boring, we have grown up to today and we continue to do it with our 'R&D' team and product development, led by the renowned vegetarian chef Teresa Carlesand formed by other chefs that participate in full in product development and new dishes, ”says Teresa Carles, 'chef in charge' by Teresa Carles Healthy Foods.

The Bonfire
Por su parte Iolanda Bustos, conocida como "la chef de las flores", cree que falta aún más creatividad que despierte la curiosidad y a la vez sume más valor a todos los productos del campo. “La forma de lograr sabores igualmente exquisitos radica, simplemente, en cambiar las formas de cocción. Las verduras hervidas o al vapor son muy buenas, pero si buscamos intensidad y sabor, podemos por ejemplo asarlas, brasearlas o saltearlas con jugos y fondos de verduras concentrados, fermentando, curando, secando…La verdad es que el abanico de sabores en el mundo vegetal es mucho más amplio que el del mundo animal. Por ejemplo, en mi zona de la Costa Brava, es muy típico cocinar mar y montaña, combinando carne y pescado. Yo, siguiendo la tradición de unir mar y montaña en el mismo guiso, hace años empecé a cocinar un arroz mar y montaña sin carne ni pescado, sólo con vegetales de los dos hábitats. Algas y verduras de playa, con setas y plantas del campo y hierbas del bosque. La sorpresa de quien lo toma es siempre emocionante por la intensidad de sabor”, explica.

If you think a meatless menu is a roll ...

Now that even Burger King has a 100 % vegetable whopper ', we would have to feel bad to continue thinking that the perspective of enjoying delicious flesh -free dishes is boring.There are so many restaurants that offer green proposals and brands that offer products to take alternatives to the meat are getting such an irresistible flavor that it costs us to have to clarify, once again, that a menu without meat, dear, notIt is nothing boring.Stephanie Eliyahoo, co-founder and CEO of Mr Porter, says that with the restaurant she wanted to create an opposite proposal to that of the classic 'Steakhouse'.“We are happy to verify that more and more people are betting on healthy and balanced proposals.The demand for vegetarian and vegan options has increased a lot, and that is why we offer many suitable dishes for them.Our products are fresh and we bet on seasonal ingredients come from Mediterranean cuisine.Being prepared in our iconic coal oven, flavors make you virtually forget about the meat, ”he says.

Mr Porter

David I cara, co -founder of Biogran, believes that in reality, there are many recipes that do not incorporate meat that are already part of our gastronomy."The world 'plant-based' goes far beyond eating" Green ".The traditional potato tortilla or seafood paella - two of the dishes that the Spaniards like - are prepared without meat.If we only want plant foods, there are fantastic classic recipes, such as chickpea stew with spinach, gazpacho, pasta and rice dishes with mushrooms and vegetables, rice lentilPisto ... We can also incorporate nuts or seeds into our dishes to give color, flavor and extra nutrients, ”he says.

‘Plant-Based’ proposal for green in green

We have asked David Cara, Bernart Añaños, Teresa Carles and Iolanda Bustos to prepare three proposals for Cosmopolitan readers to surprise these parties with a healthy, delicious proposal and of course, ‘Plant-Based’.

We started with David Caé, Ceo de Biogran.“To begin with, you can prepare numerous meatless canapés (with hummus, guacamole, confit onion, ratatus ...).It is also worth it to chop some "wrinkles" potatoes "with mojo, vegan cheeses, ecological potes of vegetables or stuffed mushrooms.In addition, we can incorporate such traditional dishes at Christmas as thistle with almond sauce or lombard with apple and nuts.For the most cold, one option is to start the food with a vegetable broth, with or without pasta, and thus go heat ”.If you miss the flesh, 'Don’t Worry'.“There are endless possibilities with vegetable alternatives, with seitan -based recipes, textured soybeans, whole grains or legumes.For example, onions or peppers stuffed with bulgur and nut.

Bernat Añaños, co-founder of Heura, assures that he would have loved to respond his grandmother, who has been serving 'Plant-Based' Christmas dishes for years that have nothing to envy to the others.“This 2021 we have inspired by those dishes that recall our grandparents and grandmothers.Within our proposals are a Guiso from Heura to Cava (Spain), Lasagna (Italy), "Poulet" Bourgingnon (France) and 'Sausage Roll Wreath' (United Kingdom), "he says.

Flax & Kale

Desde Flax & Kale proponen hummus cremoso con pan de pita estilo 'focaccia', brochetas de berenjena crujiente marinada con miso, cebolleta china y salsa 'yakiniku' y coliflor con ajo negro, jengibre y salsa de cacahuetes.As a main course, pumpkin with broccoli, zucchini, mushrooms, turmeric curry sauce, peanuts, coconut yogurt, coriander and basmati integral rice.Finally, Iolanda Bustos tells us his proposal.As an appetizer proposes leaves and petals in tempura, sauteed anacardes with curry and co -leaf with romesco.As entrantes, give several options.Macerated colm jet salad, ginger and carrot with cumin, dark onion soup, gratin with chickpea meringue or pumpkin cannellón stuffed with mushrooms with chestnut sauce and truffle.For dessert, bitter orange mazipan with extra virgin olive oil, orange blossom and black chocolate."In the end always a tisana of fresh digestive herbs: mint, melisa, María Luisa, fennel ...", he concludes.

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