Textile exporters "see the light at the end the tunnel"

“Después de varios años de caída, la exportación de confecciones habría llegado a un punto de inflexión y ve la luz al final del túnel; sin embargo, se debe considerar que competimos con otros países y hay varios factores que debemos trabajar como la mejora de la productividad, lucha contra la informalidad y formación de cuadros técnicos”, manifestó el presidente del Comité de Confecciones de la Asociación de Exportadores (ADEX), César Tello.

Tello said that the recovery trend of the sector also remained in the first two -month period of the year by closing with a growth of 12%.However, the accumulation in the percentage variation between 2012 and 2017 is -36.3 en el sector textil según el Banco Central de Reserva del Perú.

“75% of the clothing market is informal and 25% formal, which is where the improvement of productivity and competitiveness is observed. Las empresas formales trabajamos en temas de automatización, capacitación de personal, estamos en el pico de la tecnología, todo lo cual ha beneficiado la competitividad”, enfatizó durante la conferencia de prensa de presentación del XIV Foro Textil Exportador.

He said that exporting companies are exposed to internal and external factors, so it is necessary to improve the conditions under which they develop.

“On the outside we compete with great players who have subsidies, free zones, a proexporting dollar.What we need as a country is to see what the industry needs to be on a more even field, lower the slope, play, and that it is the market that decides, ”he said.

Exportadores textiles “ven la luz al final el túnel”

He indicated that the national industry should be strengthened, making it more competitive, seeing what things are required to compete with countries that have lower production costs.He mentioned the need to improve the productivity level of the Peruvian worker, reduce production costs and guarantee the raw material.

Aporte del sector confeccionesTello refirió que la industria textil y confecciones exportó en el 2017 US$ 1,200 millones e importó maquinaria por US$ 2 mil millones lo que demuestra la inversión tecnológica del sector, también pagaron US$ 1,100 millones en impuestos e involucró a 46 mil empresas que dan servicios a las 2 mil 500 que exportan.

Also, the sector represents 1.9% of GDP and 10% of manufacturing production also generates 400 thousand direct jobs and 300 thousand indirect.

OportunidadesRefirió que el principal mercado de las prendas peruanas es EE.UU.whose main supplier is China that represents 33.7%, while Peru only concentrates 0.8% percentage lower than the previous years when it was 1%.

Regarding the import of the US.UU.Of knitted garments, he said that a Vietnam growth is observed that in 2017 almost doubled its participation with respect to 2010, 2011 and 2012.On the contrary, Peru reduced it in almost 30% compared to 2006, 2007 and 2008.

El director de ADEX mencionó que al no haber suscrito EE.UU.The TPP, favors Peru, Asian countries like Vietnam enter their territory paying tariffs, 16% for cotton garments and 32% by synthetic fiber garments."There we have other niche in which we can be competitive," he said.

Prendas de alpaca con manufactura chinaSobre China, resaltó que es el principal destino de la fibra de alpaca de Perú, si bien dijo que podría ser una buena noticia por el lado de exportaciones, por el lado de la manufactura no lo es tanto, porque estamos ad portas de tener en mercados europeos o en EE.UU., Alpaca -based garments, but made in China.

For his part, the export director of Promperú, Luis Torres, commented that the “Marca Country” campaign contributed to the fact that textile and clothing offices register positive growth rates."It is a tool that we need to take advantage of more intensity because Peru is an interesting player for its millenary history," he recommended.

He recalled that for example, agribusiness has managed to rely on this factor to be today, a commercial ambassador of Peru in the world."In the case of the clothing industry we export at some time more than US $ 2,000 million, so we have to return to that export value because we have the conditions and production capabilities," he added.
